28 Reviews liked by MovieMatt

Great impression being my first Metroid game! My highlights would be how satisfying the parry system feels and the fluidity of every animation in the game.

My biggest complaint would be some of the controls felt confusing on what combo of buttons to hold down, I'd often end up doing something else than what I wanted. Got a hold of it by the very end as you don't have much of a choice with that final boss.

Insanely addicting while I was playing it, faded immediately after I stopped. Simultaneously a 5 star genre-defining game and a 1 star Skinner box masquerading as a game.

I played this for like 3 months straight every day last summer and in September I just sort of stopped for some reason. The game is fun for a while but I think there's just too little things to do and progress towards after you finish the 'campaign'.

I think you have to have a lot of patience and creativity to make steady progress through the post-game where your efforts are focused on terraforming, decorating, and redesigning your island and I didn't really have the motivation to stick it through. Maybe I'll jump back in sometime in the future.

Most winning runs end with a long boring stretch of being mostly unkillable. I'm really not sure why runs are so long.
There are better dopamine-drip time wasters that are completely free.

I don't think it makes it better when the former coinslot designer explicitly says he wants to take your time instead of your money.

Exo One grows on you as its level design develops — the relatively simplistic early levels growing more complex as mechanics are added (or subtracted) and new twists are added to its stunning set of environments. And driving the player through those strange and sometimes wondrous planets is a gorgeous soundtrack filled with moody, contemplative tracks that, for me, are the game's lasting highlight. All-in-all, it's a wondrous, moody, atmospheric game that captures the scale of outer space in a way few games have.

Or, in short, it's like Denis Villeneuve decided to remake Journey and Interstellar at the same time, as a game about falling with style.

The most video game video game of all time. In a sitcom, when the idiot teenage son is playing games instead of doing homework, this is what's on the TV.

I've wasted a catastrophic amount of time on this game and I'm honestly not even good at it. Thank god runs are capped at 30 minutes. Be fuckin careful with this thing.

I hated this so much it made me re-evaluate my scoring system.

There's no point to Vampire Survivors at all. At least other games I hate like Castlevania Adventure or Metroid 1 have obstacles to overcome, goals to reach and mechanics to master. Vampire Survivors technically has those, but the game essentially plays itself most of the time. All you really do is walk around to level up which lets you kill things a little faster than you did before. Even walking sims, at the VERY least, will usually attempt to convey an emotion or tell a story through some sort of abstract way. I felt absolutely nothing playing Vampire Survivors.

I'm not gonna say it killed my family and pissed on my bed since it's dirt cheap and even free on mobile, but the fact that I'm relieved I didn't even spend $5 for it on PC says a lot. In fact, instead of buying Vampire Survivors, here's just a few games that cost $5 (not on sale) or less that you should buy instead!

DOOM (or DOOM II, or DOOM 64)
Plants Vs. Zombies
Super Hexagon
Geometry Dash
and many many more!

I feel like a fucking crazy person seeing the amount of people who fell in love with this. If you want a roguelike, play Gungeon. If you want bullet hell, also play Gungeon. Just play Gungeon.

Rather than being another set of "make it to the end" levels, Octo Expansion opts for a surprisingly challenging set of bite-sized stages instead. You'll be guiding a ball to its goal, taking down revamped bosses from the original campaign, die countless of times trying to impossibly defend an orb, and a bunch more as there's plenty of variety. This is all on top of a new story that definitely sticks with the Splatoon style all the way up to the end.

solid puzzle game, brain hurts

It's aight. Probably would've liked it more if I played through it when I was a teenager and had zero idea of what I wanted to do in life. But oh well, I can see why people like this game, even though it doesn't really appeal to me

I wish I could understand why people love this game so much, I really do. Clearly its resonated with a lot of people but I just cant get into it. Ive tried a few times but I hate the bullet hell combat, I dislike the puzzles, I never get a clear sense of what anything is progressing towards or what is even really going on other than ironic meta stuff thats not that clever and the piano music gets on my nerves. Different strokes I guess

Jesus Christ I almost shit myself. Better than the others in the series by a long way.

A game where nostalgia glasses really made me like this game more then I should. I honestly never beat this game and I don't think I can but what I played of it I truly enjoy.

+expansive world with gorgeous, varied environment design. great sense of scale as you climb each titan
+great overall concept, the titans that the characters live on are intricately tied to the plot and feel natural to explore
+excellent character design in terms of the synergy between their abilities and which roles they can adapt to in team builds
+excellent character design otherwise too lol, very likable
+I personally have a soft spot for the voice actors entirely coming from the commonwealth... gives the games a unique identity over here
+I have not played the original, but it seems like many quality-of-life elements have been added, specifically for quest tracking
+this has been controversial but I prefer the heavy anime-influenced of this version over the ps2-level realism of the original. considering that the original engine has been reused, I think switching to a style that favors lower-poly is appropriate
+the general xeno-series mixture of organic and mechanical elements is great as usual, especially in how its integrated in the duality between bionis and mechonis

-combat is really lacking in terms of variation from battle to battle. topplelock is an interesting mechanic but when every battle is just topplelocking, it's not very interesting
-level has too much sway in the outcome of battles, where raw stats seem to be more decisive than team-building in many cases
-the first half of the story lacks much driving force, which is a ridiculous amount of time in a game that can easily last ~90 hours
-much of the story is opaque in the first half and beyond, partially contributing to the above. I didn't feel like I had a good idea of what was going on until maybe 60-70 hours in
-I don't know quite how long I spent on side content but I have a feeling it was at least 15 hours. in that time I didn't feel like I got much useful out of doing side missions or leveling up affinity for how boring it was to perform
-side quests are very bland, a lot of kill x enemy, pick up x item, save x person, etc. missions with irrelevant, flimsy justifications
-overstuffed with systems, many of which don't feel immediately useful or feel superfluous. I distinctly remember xc2 having this issue as well
-I'm reasonably sure this is running on the xc2 engine, but that engine had some graphical flaws and so does this game. you will notice that many assets are lacking or even from the wii original, and the framerate / resolution dip in heated situations, especially when in handheld mode
-considering the most interesting part of this game is the team-building and mastering each character's playstyle, it feels like much of the design doesn't really encourage experimentation outside of a couple of endgame encounters (specifically DL)

as much as I want to like this game, it frankly felt like a chore pretty quickly and never let up, even when the final twenty hours or so shed light on many of the mysteries wrapped up in the story. for the time investment involved, I'm just not sure it's worth the slog for a dozen hours of interesting twists at the end