35 Reviews liked by MrBlobz

If you liked Ace of Spades before it got ruined, give OpenSpades a fair shake. God, what a fun game this was.

THIS IS IT. this is my favorite game of all time oh my fucking god if you like JRPGs or want to cry your eyes out please play ni no kuni

I love Ni No Kuni series, but I despise autoclickers. I just pressed one button and this game was played itself.

Gonna put 2.5 stars only for graphics and music which I really dig.

Now make third game please

Pretty much THE Monster Hunter game to play for new audiences. Absolutely fantastic from top to bottom. PC had some early performance problems but they're fixed now.

This game potentially has the best combat on any video game I have ever played? There are so many mechanics and different moves/stances/skills/etc., but it all fits together so nicely and is tutorialized so well. I wish this game didn't have random loot, but the loot system is very well done.

11/10, easily one of my favorite games of all times. My friend and I had a blast playing through all NG+ cycles and perfecting our gear. Coop is handled a million times better in this than in Souls games and their forced PvPs.

The amazing sense of atmosphere (pun not intended) is enough to sell you on the game long enough to realize just how well done and addicting and replayable the actual gameplay is. Get to the final mission though and it will be etched in your memory for all time.

Probably the only PvP FPS I've ever enjoyed!



You didn't like it cuz you were bad at it.

There has not been a Total War game before or since Shogun 2 that is even close to as good.

Currently replaying this on PS5, I honestly think Nioh 2 might be the 2nd greatest Action Game of all time, right behind Ninja Gaiden Black.

One of the advantages it still had over battlefront 2 were the ground maps with air vehicles, as opposed to BF2 having more of a split between indoor maps and space battles. For that reason I'd swap between playing this and BF2 a lot as a kid depending on what I was in the mood for. Though on PC it's definitely easy to get these maps modded into BF2 now.