Crammed with all the fun of a Lego game and the added bonus of an original Marvel story, this is one of the best Lego games for me.

What do you want me to say? It's Fortnite. It's like gaming BTS - not very deep but it's colourful and kids seem to like it.

This was fine for me as I was a fan of The Clone Wars TV show, but it had way less appeal than the other two titles to a larger audience. It felt a bit empty in places, but the hub world was fun.

Felt like a "We've got Wii Sports at home" kinda deal. It was interesting to try out some of the different games, but it lacked the charm to keep pulling me back.

A significant decrease from Lego Star Wars, Indiana Jones doesn't have nearly enough characters or iconic locations to work with Lego. I also played it on the Wii, which was an awful idea.

One of the most important and culturally significant video games of all time, Wii Sport is probably the only video game a lot of people have ever played. Even for those who have played others, it's still super fun and addictive with endless replayability.

It was ok, but the strength lies solely in the licence. I completed it on DS, but played a bit of it on PS3 and OH MY GOD THE CAMERA WHAT ARE YOU DOING

I don't care what anyone says - this game ruled. Yes it's a Crazy Taxi clone, yes the "story" is a load of rubbish, yes it gets repetitive after a while, but the experience of driving round Springfield against a friend desperately trying to smash into them at full speed? That is glorious.

Two words - GM Mode. Man that mode was great - amazed it took them over half a decade to bring it back. It was a great roster too and the gameplay was really fun. But it's all about GM Mode for me - still fun to this very day.

Almost a rinse and repeat of the first Lego Star Wars game, but that's all it needed to be. Fun, full of character, and full of Star Wars. A joy to play.

A fantastic choice for a first Lego game, this was everything I wanted as a Star Wars obsessed kid. Whilst it probably seems a little weak by today's Lego standards, it will forever hold a special place in my heart.

A marked improvement on the first title in so many areas, Battlefront II was only ever fun for me in co-op (Galactic Conquest was way too tedious) but it was really, really fun in co-op.

A fun couch co-op game, the original Battlefront was a classic for me growing up but upon reflection it feels a little light in places.

A university classic, this feels like the largest, fullest, ULTIMATE version of the series. The only problem is... where do they go next? If they go anywhere at all...

My first Smash Bros. game blew my mind when I first picked it up. It introduced me to so many incredible franchises and characters and was endlessly replayable. The story mode was excellent, up until one level where I could not (and still cannot) work out where the hell I am supposed to go.