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14 hrs ago

MysticMungis completed P.T.

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7 days ago

MysticMungis reviewed Castlevania
When this game came out, it was incredible, great music, awesome atmosphere, great variety in levels, enemies and bosses. But GOOD LORD is it fucking difficult. I technically haven't finished this game yet because I keep dying at the Dracula boss fight. I'm no stranger to a challenge in a video game, but NES games are something else man. Dark souls I can beat, I can't even get past stage 2 of most NES games unless it's mario. And good lord dracula is a motherfucker in this game. You may say I suck, and to that I say, I agree, but also NES games' difficulty is mostly horseshit.

9 days ago

9 days ago

MysticMungis reviewed Assassin's Creed
I did a stream of this game a while ago for like 3 hours or something and fell asleep for 5 minutes while playing before I forgot I was still streaming. The pacing of this game is like pulling teeth. the mechanics themselves are great I just wish that they were utilised in a better set up.

9 days ago

MysticMungis reviewed Dr. Mario 64
fun puzzle game, but good lord why is my girlfriend so fucking unreasonably good at this game? I've had a round between us end in under 20 seconds...

9 days ago

MysticMungis reviewed Final Fantasy VII

This review contains spoilers

wow. I'm not a JRPG guy. the absolute farthest I'd go would be pokemon but that's it. so I guess you could say this was my first real JRPG. while its not perfect and still has tons of issues like annoying checkpoints, cryptic gameplay, random encounters, stupid difficulty spikes and combat that can be very slow at times, I was able to look past those issues because the story, characters and music were all so great. easily the best soundtrack on the ps1. I was completely floored by the story and the characters even if it is super overly complicated. But I rooted for them all the way. The huge twists like Aerith getting fucking murdered (even when I knew it was gonna happen) left me in shock and awe, Cloud's memories and the climax involving sephiroth were all just so big and huge and I was just sucked in. And yet despite that, the game never took itself too seriously. It kinda had that zelda atmosphere to it, with funny characters, goofy villains and some winks at the audience. I still wouldn't call myself a JRPG guy, I mean most of them I still think are WAY too long, stupid, melodramatic, and the first one I tried was FFXIII and that game kinda poisoned me on the genre, but I can now say that I'm willing to try more games in the series.

9 days ago

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