Really fun sequel I just wish I didn't have to side track for the X Hunters in order to get the good ending.

This game introduces a lot of cool shit like Rush the slide and Proto Man, and the OST is banging but goddamn the robot master weapons suck the level design took a major nerf and Doc Robot sucks

This game gets a bad rep. The game aged pretty badly gameplay wise, but it's the start to my favorite video game trilogy ever, I love the world characters and story. And it feels the most like an RPG of the trilogy.

Iga is the man. Super sucessful Kickstarter and the game lived up to the hype. David Hayter and Robert Belgrade are also in it. The inpirations from Aria of Sorrow are apparant but are absolutely welcomed. Great game all around. The final boss is a pain in the case though.

What a fun as hell game that really pushed the NES to it's limit. The iconic reveal with the film The Wizard says it all

Perfection in 3 words. Played this game so much as a kid and replaying this game gives off nostalgic vibes. Also Yoshi

I don't like this game. It's just so forgetful and I don't like how Zero being playable was handled. Also the game is so convoluted with how one gets all the heart tanks sub tanks and armor upgrades.

I don't like this game. Game is unfinished has so much padding and repition and no wiggle room for how to approach the minimum criteria for beating the game.

The beginning of the end for Mega Man. I actually think this game is fun in a guilty pleasure sense. But damn the RNG and Duff McWhalen Stage killed it for me. Still better than X3 IMO

Gameplay has aged poorly and it has a rough start. But when the game gets going with it's plot and story it doesn't stop until the end. That ending and final boss is perfect

The new Palace in Royal is my favorite moment of any Persona game and I love 4 Golden quite more than 5 as a whoie and the 3rd Semester should not be missed

If you're worried that this Persona game has the characters feel super one note like the other spin offs, fret not Strikers is a sequel and all the characters feel just like they did last time we spent time with them. Also Zenkiichi is the man

OST sucks tbh, but spending time with the Phantom Thieves is worth it.

Only play this is youre curious to how Mega Man started. Try Mega Man 2 before going to this one