25 Reviews liked by Natsu

This review coming to you from inside the fucking wall of Blue Mountain Zone, which I clipped through several days ago. Please send help! There's something in here with me!!

If there's two things I love in this world, it's kart racers and complaining about Sonic the Hedgehog. You might view that as a problem, but I don't have a friend group that tells me things like "George, you're loved, you don't need to play Dr. Robotnik's Ring Racers." Nope, it's just me and my brain, so with the help of my instructor, Jim Beam, I finally buckled down and spent an hour getting my class Robotnik operating license in Ring Racers' infamously long tutorial.

While the experience of jumping into Ring Racers has been streamlined after the game's first major patch, I would still encourage anyone who wants to pick it up to go through each lesson in the tutorial. Ring Racers is the most technical kart racer I've played in my life, and that might strike you as being a bit funny considering it's essentially Sonic Kart, but keep in mind this was made by Sonic fans, and those people are psychopaths. You'll want to know the ins and outs of your vehicle and what it's capable of before hitting up the Grand Prix, and though I've seen a number of people complain about it, I see the wisdom of blocking off the online mode until you clear the first cup. I can't imagine what it would look like if players skipped the tutorial and jumped headfirst into multiplayer, but I'm gonna guess it'd be a disaster for everyone involved.

I'm confident in that considering half of the single player experience could also be characterized as "a disaster." Managing ring consumption, learning where sneakers spawn to break shortcut barriers, understanding how to maximize your 3rd-tier drift burst, anticipating when you should "hold" your cart rather than drift, figuring out where and when to use your spindash... it's a lot to manage even without all the stage hazards and player-laid traps that are out to straight up kill you. Pico Park is my god damn storming of Normandy, I've seen people lose limbs on the straightaway, and good men stretched to the width of an atom after colliding directly with a Drop Target that bounced them back into the path of a Gardentop careening around the corner at maximum velocity.

Even the pre-race is a nightmare. You don't just line up all nice and neat like in Super Mario Kart, patiently waiting for the green light. You can roam freely so long as you don't cross the starting line, which means you can also bump into other players and force them over the line to penalize them. I said Pico Park was a nightmare, but I didn't even survive the first three seconds of Carnival Night Zone, because everyone kept bumping me into hazards in the pre-race, and when I was sucked into the magnetized tunnel that serves as the track's opening straight, I was flung directly into several hazards that caused my kart to explode. I died and I barely made a single input.

For the last week you could find me hunched over my laptop, drenched with sweat because it's 80 degrees here at night and my computer is overheating, gripping my controller and hissing "fuck you, FUCK YOU," and you might assume I'm not having a good time... but I am. Despite how chaotic and complex and downright vicious this game can be, I'm into it.

Maybe I'm just in the market for the kind of depth and sadism Ring Racers offers, or maybe I've played so many kart racers that the problem I'm having is that they don't have enough esoteric bullshit in them. Mastering Ring Racers' mechanics is satisfying, but understanding how they play off one another achieves an even greater high... I've graduated to a stronger drug. Naturally, courses are constructed around these systems in a way that's both mindful of low- and high-level play, and the loop of replaying tracks and developing better strategies to maximize your ring consumption and attain better clear times feels good, with few exceptions (Balloon Park and Blue Mountain can eat me.)

I really like the visual design of the game, too. The stylized menus, expressive character art, and detailed tracks all lend a high level of production to the game that's genuinely impressive for a fan game born out of a fan game born out of a fan game using the Doom engine. It can be difficult to parse the action sometimes, especially in levels with more unconventional color pallets, but I think the game has a look to it that really makes it stand out while feeling like an authentic progression from Sonic Robo Blast 2's aesthetic. I will add that this is one case where IGDB fucked up by allowing a cleaner thumbnail, though. I prefer the original, which looked like a magazine scan of a grainy off-screen photo taken at a CES. Much more fitting, if you ask me.

Of course, like everyone else, I still have issues with Ring Racers that I think really sour the experience. The pandemonium of the aforementioned pre-race wears out very quickly, with stage outs and starting line penalties becoming more annoying than humorous, especially given how long it can take to recover. There's also a lives system which feels wholly unnecessary when you consider that the capsule minigames that appear every two races could otherwise be used as checkpoints if you don't place high enough in a circuit to advance. The trick system is also interesting in concept but utilized so rarely that I often forgot it was a thing until I needed to exploit it, and I typically found myself fumbling it as a result.

I've said before that Sonic fan games are in something of a golden age, with hobbyist-led projects being of a caliber that genuinely blows me away. Credit where it's due, Sega appears quite comfortable with letting fans create games like this without interference, something I think has helped give the scene space to mature and which has helped to keep Sonic so relevant. Dr. Robotnik's Ring Racers' kinetic gameplay and strong art direction impressed me the moment I saw it, and I think there's a lot of potential in introducing a higher level of technicality to a kart racer, but it does need some adjusting in places and falls a bit short of its promise.

Addendum: Apparently the game also controlled worse pre-patch so I may be benefitting by having waited just a bit to really dive into it. Seems worth mentioning.

Ring Racers is a gem, the somewhat lengthy tutorial and the mostly fixed single player rubber-banding won't take that away from it.
This game joins CTR in the field of kart racers that just "get it", it's very technical with a lot of inter-woven mechanics making the game a blast to play and get better at. The ring-feeding being a variant of the F-zero boost mechanic adds a lot of strategy and intense moments compared to robo kart, I love that the devs went and honed such disruptive ideas, really ends up being a breath of fresh air in the kart racing field.
On the presentation side I think the game has a pretty strong themeing which really transpires in both visuals and soundtrack, there is a staggering amount of content (like 8 times the amount of tracks in a typical new mario kart) though the circuits still managed to be highly varied but still consistent with the core theme, of course the sonic (& some sega) IP helps with its long history but the fan-service is a given in such a project and if anything makes it easier to love.
I also want to mention the single player progression which I think is really well realized, it uses a similar system to the challenge wall in smash brawl, which lets you play the game as intended but keeping side objectives in mind, it really encourages you to play more of the game and feels good feeding you rewards regularly, also have the option to skip some of the challenges if you feel like it. I also like how many secrets are hidden among the tracks, it's really fun to explore familiar areas in a new light and discover all the effort that went into them (most of them being linked to unlocks too).
Overall this is an amazing fan-project that isn't afraid to push its genre forward, both in mechanics and how it handles progression, and a beautiful love-letter to the sonic IP.

im just gonna say u people are either bad at the game and dont wanna learn the mechanics or just hatin cause the game doesnt have the same design philosophy as mario kart

Great sequel that improves on everything the og set out to do. The tutorial is dogshit atm and makes the game seem more complicated than it is. Soyjak pointing at all the tracks is definitely the highlight for me. Emerald coast is GORGEOUS

Day One player, also Day One Kart player, it is a different handling beast than SRB2Kart and the tutorial does take a while, but beyond that, getting used to the curve of the new physics and juicing up the Kart with rings has been quite the new experience.

...I ended up playing six hours total last night after it launched. Six hours on DAY ONE.

...And a lot of that was spent online, as I've only completed four cups so far. It won me over.

A lot of the whining this game gets mainly comes from people who treat games like these as fun little timewasters instead of full fledged games, this was never meant to be a replacement for SRB2K like so many people keep insisting (the devs have said that the master server for SRB2K will be kept up) if you wanna play a fun basic MK-Like kart racer then SRB2K is still right there! This game is NOT SRB2K however.

I don't think gating online behind completing (you don't even have to beat it!) a cup is unreasonable at all and the whole "you need 80 spray cans to unlock time trials" is straight up a lie, all you need to do is beat all first page cups with a bronze medal minimum (completely reasonable since you can get all unlocks on any difficulty unless its specified otherwise)
The tutorial WAS pretty terrible since it emphazises too much on mechanics you won't use normally during a race (unless im wrong none of the first page levels have any shortcuts involving the switches, only secrets) and it completely glosses over important mechanics unique to this game like the start position change, tether system, and the drift you can do after hitting a boost panel. I did like the way it was presented though and the interactions between tails and eggman were cute and well written.
There are also some problems with the AI being WAY too rubberbandy, I understand its needed for games like this but sometimes due to the tether system your "rival" in second place can sometimes get an invincibility powerup and theres not really anything you can do to stop them from passing you.
The presentation of EVERYTHING in this game is gorgeous and the amount of love this game has for everything Sonic and SEGA related is incredible (there are entire zones based on levels from fangames!) Just an incredible looking game.

Overall I think with a few tweaks this could easily be one of the greatest kart racers of all time, just hope the devs don't over correct due to all of the mostly misplaced negative feedback.

Long-winded shitty tutorial for non-gamers makes the game sound more complicated than it actually is while simultaneously not teaching you mechanics you will interact with in your very first race, creating a dangerously fake skill filter and leaving a disastrous first impression.

As an example - the tutorial spends like 10 minutes teaching you about your backup emergency attack that you can use while out of rings, while spending 5 seconds to tell you rings are a boost/health meter akin to F-Zero that you should be spending constantly. Another example - the closest thing to a race track you drive on in the entire tutorial is a drifting track that requires you to hit maximum level drift boosts, when the actual race tracks in the game are designed around drifting for short periods of time outside of extremely wide turns.

Anyways there's a THE iDOLM@STER stage that doubles as Honey the Cat's home stage

Absolutely awful in every way but an incredibly interesting footnote in video game history. One of the only official pc ports of a nintendo game.

The physics really ruin it, it barely moves when you're trying to run and the jumps last a fraction of a second. The game runs at about 15fps by default making it difficult to move properly. The emulator died about 20 minutes in so I called it then.

Try out the nes super mario bros mod for this game instead of the actual port. Apparently it actually has 8 worlds and from what i've seen its different but still competent levels.




forever grateful that tevi and rabi-ribi's artstyle keeps filtering so many people. it really is like firing gunshots every now and then to keep the rent low

Justice of Galaxy started playing.
The music had a moment- a dramatic sting. In perfect sync with this, the game introduces an enemy type you've never seen before in droves.

All 6 of them begin moving and shooting at the precise second the track kicks in. The rest of the stage never lets up after this.

I haven't beaten this game. I don't know if I'm going to be able to anytime soon. But things like that are what earns 10/10s from me; the understanding that the visuals and audio can be just as important to a game as its mechanics, and just as impactful if used correctly. The impression was definitely made, and now I'm committed to seeing it through.

This game wipes the floor with my ass and I keep coming back just because of that. I don't even care if the background is the same for the whole thing. It's good. And free!

It was alright. I liked the mechanics quite a bit, enjoyed the tunes, and felt that the level design was strong (Chapter 5 in particular easily being my favorite), but the story just wasn't doing it for me.

I'm sure there's an audience for it. I can see the merit and value of something like this, but I wasn't really a fan of how bluntly heavy-handed its theme was. It felt to me like the theme was written first, and the story was shaped around justifying it. And I dunno, I'm just saying- I wouldn't be anywhere near this insecure if I had a sick as hell 8-way airdash that turned my hair blue.

Humble publisher name though. I enjoyed my time.

I think this is just factually the cutest Nintendo game

the fucking logo's letters bouncing in don't even sync with the theme song anymore if that's any indication of this remake's quality

Live your days as Yoshi speeding past the kingdom while Koopa is five miles ahead.

Super Mario Kart is a pretty humble beginning for the series, and I believe is still fun enough to be worth playing. Despite being the first, I found the controls to be rather intuitive and smooth once you get the hang of them. Probably the only big thing lacking in this compared to others is the variety of tracks, instead of each having their unique identity there are multiple for the same theme; this doesn't actually serve as a problem though it is just interesting to see how the series evolved from here.

Now on the other hand an actual potential problem is that the game is actually very difficult. The 50ccs should be doable by pretty much anyone, but the 100ccs might actually take a good bit of tries. Easily the hardest part is the Special Cup which you unlock by beating the available three on 100CC, and its here that I had to dip out due to how difficult it seems. If fellow players are to be believed, the 150ccs are actually pretty insane and will challenge even the best karters. I would say though that trying the three cups on 50cc is still worth doing for everyone and should be approachable.

Overall, definitely a great start to the series that has me amped to try out more. For my playing, I did it through the SNES Classics library available through the Switch Online Membership, which should be suitable if you're not able to use an emulator.