Every once in a while I have a dream where one of the fucked up original characters from this roster has their own actual game

The wampas in this game are legitimately terrifying. Especially when you are on Tatooine and you fight sand wampas, in an ecosystem diametrically opposed to that of Hoth's.

To Sarge and his brave men, thank you for your service.

It's been 16 years and I still think about how horseshit it was when the game put you in the ring against Ric Flair in an unwinnable fight. I could literally kick his ass irl

I wish most of the reviewers of this game would shut up actually!!


Whoever thought this game needed an industrial soundtrack rather than a thrash or death metal soundtrack deserves to have their mastering of a subsequent release's OST ruined.

Shame this game got put to pasture, it was a good time.

still don't know how to do it

a friend's dumbass friend swears this is the greatest game of all time, and any game you can think of Ark has that game's mechanics but better. All I know is I walked around for a bit, built a small hut, carried my own shit in my hands at 10fps, jumped into the water and fell out the bottom of the map and alt+f4'd

Ironclad commited crib death, this game fucking ruled.

haha weeeee fludd machine go blubblubblubblubblub

Press F to speed past the Yeti

I suck ass and apparently this has issues compared to past Tekkens but I don't care this is pretty much all I play nowadays.

Oh, the hours in zombie survival maps I'l never get back.

The peak of DoW 1 and a crown jewel of the RTS genre