Insomniac once again knoced it out of the park with Spider-Man 2, i just wish it shipped with as much if not more replayable content like Spider-Man 2018 did

I really wish i could love this game more than the first one most of this game is #REALGAMING but the issues this game has are here troughout the whole playtrough and it isnt something that you can just ignore i found myself still loving this game i just wish halfway trough the game a lot of its issue picked up like the story does

I decided to start with definitive edition for the xenoblade games go and the best way i can describe it would be humble begginings definetly a lot of meat to it but not enough to not reach the bone and see its cracks

This is the best way to conclude a trilogy i have seen in a good while, how it ties everything together from story world gameplay and its music motifs should be studied thank you takahashi !!

I love this visual novel way too much

This VN still means so much to me but i cant deny THIS version of this story is super dated and makes me glad that the Remake exists

This game expands the Star wars lore and gives a super fun gmeplay look that i always find myself going back too love this game

Colourfull and unique cast of characters simple but effective plot and gameplay that resonates with my inner child to the point if i ever go back to the game i wont put it down till i beat it

I need more people to play this....

This is THE perfect game for me its a game that respects you your intellegience and gives you an intresting world for you to explore i wish i could explain why i love this game so much but i cant play it for yourself and its more than amazing DLC

One of the greatests action game ive played altough for me overshadowed by III this is still one of the greatest highs in the whole franchise

This is one of the most perfect survival horrors ive played from its story that leaves you with anguish in a good way by the time you finish it stelar art direction phenomenal music and addicting gameplay i couldnt recomend this more