From soft grabbed everything they learned from their extensive library of games to craft their materpiece, a rich world with gameplay you will be familiar with but its so much better on every level bombastic music and a pretty easy to follow story imo

This game is player freedom at its finest
I am honestly suprised with how well Larian translated D&D into one of the best games i have played, its worth its award for game of the year 2023 and more some
From its combat, its music, its setting, the world and character it inhabits everything was done masterfull to a tee
This game has so much to give and not enough for me to take you will be sure i am going back for a second playtrough and most likely many more after that

The definitive version of this game, while im still a fan and liked it, the game itself FEELS off most of the time your character feels like he either has no weight or too much of it a lot of the weapons dont feel good like they dont have enough impact, flasks get sidelined for the stones wich trvialize this a lot the world while rich and one of my favs in from softs library from an exploration perspective does not feel connected in the sleightest.
BUT despite it all i came out of it still feeling positive of my experience with it a lot of the bosses are this games strong suit and the characters you meet along the way have a lot of intresting stories to tell and it's RPG elements still offer a variety of builds and customization for player expression

This is the best way to conclude a trilogy i have seen in a good while, how it ties everything together from story world gameplay and its music motifs should be studied thank you takahashi !!

So overall i dont think it is better than shadowbringers especially cause its beggining takes quite a bit to get it truly going but man this story dungeons and trials available here are some of the most fun in the whole game i cant wait to go trough all of patch

Everything i wanted it to be and more im so happy i hop this game continues to evolve and grow

Silver snow and Crimson Flower working on blue lions - An amazing game hindered by repetition, its filled with amazing characters in every single house, the map design is pretty ok, the progression system is so good on how it lets you Experiment with diffrent units and make your team into however you like and break the game so hard that it just becomes addicting grinding their character skills and levels, the problems comes in repetition, repetition in enemies plastered end game, repetition in what YOu are doing before missions the monastery while cool in concept and fun the first few times arround it becomes so repetitive you will just be either skipping or resting for most of the days at the end game and as it comes to enemies They either just splatter armored units, cavalry units or just demonic beasts through out the whole map with demonic beasts being the one they stick with the most being an enemy type thats cool in concept but is just there to exhaust you of your unit's resources This game is still amazing regardless and im enjoying it a whole lot but the fact you have to deal with those issues for 4 seperate playtoughs can muddy a lot of the later playtroughs later on just to experience a new story even tough that story has great writing

I really wish i could love this game more than the first one most of this game is #REALGAMING but the issues this game has are here troughout the whole playtrough and it isnt something that you can just ignore i found myself still loving this game i just wish halfway trough the game a lot of its issue picked up like the story does

This game IS survival horror, from how it utilizes the mansion To build atmosphere with its sound and camera angles, It keeps you tense with resource management especially with Chris who has less slots than Jill while basic at first there so much technical here to keep you coming back for repeated playtroughs

I decided to start with definitive edition for the xenoblade games go and the best way i can describe it would be humble begginings definetly a lot of meat to it but not enough to not reach the bone and see its cracks

A masterpiece it is not but it is hauntingly beautifull, i do think a later reread will help a lot but from what i read im satisfied, amazing music and eerie atmosphere as well as for negatives there are definetly parts where urobochi could have held back

i fully love this game it did everything i wanted and more, i do feel like the gatekeep overworld movement and i kinda wish valere and zale got a bit more character but still my GOTY!!!

You will never in your life get me to touch this game again

I dont need to tell you to play this do yourself a favour and just do it