88 reviews liked by Neowyrm

Levels of jank so high that it feels like you've been thrown into an unfinished Unreal Engine project at times. Still charming, fun, and appeals to my nostalgia, so I enjoyed it

Often copied, imitated and cited, but none of them ever got Half-Life, least of all it's own sequel

the one thing Bethesda had going for it was their near seamless little handcrafted diorama worlds, so naturally they decided to replace that with loading screen gated proc-gen. Apparently you're supposed to play the main quest first so I tried that but I nearly puked when I was asked to weigh in on a debate over "science, or dreams"

MFers be like "how does Nintendo keep doing it" and then you check the credits and the same people have been working on these games for 75 years instead of getting replaced every 6 months

It ain't great, but the darn thing is trying it's best! Plus, it's got a lot of charm. Might not mean much to most, but ti me it can take a game farther than it probably aught to.

first, I think we should be making new games instead of remaking so much stuff.
second, if you're gonna remake something, remake something that could actually stand to be refreshed rather than a pristine action classic from a vaunted survival horror series.
third, if you're gonna remake a pristine action classic from a vaunted survival horror series, maybe try taking it in a different direction, emphasize the horror more for example, there's just no way you can compete with the OG.
wait this game is really good? what the fuck.

a daring synthesis of survival horror and wrestling

Change my mind.