It has some issues but i thought it was great overrall despite it. It’s just interesting and i like how different it is from the previous games, how isolating and disturbing it can be at times. Walter Sullivan is a strange, interesting antagonist, and i love how you have the apartment you can go back to for safety and healing before having that safety ripped away halfway through. Some great enemy designs in this one with the patients and twin victims, too.

Gameplay wise this game is insane, with floating islands, an underground map, and all the possibilities with ultrahand and the other new abilities. The story was great but in the end i guess i was expecting, idk, some kind of lasting consequence? Like what if Zelda and Ganondorf both killed each other in the final battle, just like in the logo which seems to show two dragons eating each other? Or Link never getting his arm back? (Seriously, him just getting it back in the end even though Rauru said he couldn’t save it in the beginning? Just seemed strange to me, but it isnt really a big deal.)

Combat is incredible (almost DMC-ish but not quite as deep) and the story is great too though not perfect especially with pacing issues where you’d get a bunch of side quests right after certain story moments but i did do them since many i felt added to the world and were worth doing

Might be the best brawler combat in the series and the story is on par with the first one, just fantastic all around.

This game is just fuckin awesome its as shrimple as that🦐🦐

Immediately what I don’t like about this game is how the previous game is kinda ignored with the juror system nowhere to be seen and Nick just being back to his old self like nothing happened. But Athena is a good new character, although introducing a new attorney when you literally just gave us a new one in the previous game is weird. And Blackquill is actually a great prosecutor. He’s got a hawk, he looks cool, and he’s a prisoner. The first case is solid, the second case is mid, the third case is pretty great, and the final cases are on the weaker side compared to the other final cases in the series but they’re pretty good. The final culprit was a kinda crazy twist and i actually really like him tbh.

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The new characters are all great, and Nick looks homeless now lol. the first case is probably the best first case in the series, the second is solid, the third one sucks (literally how could that little kid shoot a gun that even a normal person would hurt themself with? So stupid) and the fourth one is a bit different but quite great as well. Also best soundtrack in the series man the composer was cooking crazy in this one specifically for some reason

Definitely the best of the original trilogy imo. Great first case where you play as Mia, actually pretty good filler cases with the second and third, and the fourth and fifth are incredible.

The fourth case is incredible but everything else is just mid. The second case is kinda solid but the first is pretty forgettable and the third is just bad. Its all worth it for Pearl and that fourth case though.

Never played the original but the new artstyle kinda sucks. Its just kinda feels like a generic anime artstyle. Kazuma Kaneko’s artsyle in the og was much better and more fitting for the game imo. Anyway the story, setting and atmosphere are all great and the combat, though different with the demon co-op instead if press turns, is still great. The dungeons can be pretty damn annoying sometimes though, I will say.

The gameplay is just IV but refined and the combat and demon fusion specfically make it the best game in the whole series gameplay wise. The game is more consistently challenging and smirk is much more balanced. However the story is overall kinda bad, and the characters are often bad too (Toki 🤢) but the story and characters do have their moments. though the final boss is kinda ‘cheesy’ and edgy or whatever its still awesome. However the endings just being: early bad endings Law and Chaos, the ‘everyone lives happily ever after’ Peace, and the ‘im gonna kill all my friends and be evil for no reason’ Anarchy is stupid as fuck. Peace is literally the only good ending. To sum it up: best gameplay, kinda shit story/characters.

Slave Knight Gael is the best soulsborne boss of all time imo

Super great story, pretty good characters, fantastic gameplay, and you can get Black Frost as not a demon but as a whole ass party member so 100/5 just for that

Banger ost, great story, setting, and characters, its got that goated press turn system again, and the demon form stuff with the skill tree and the swappable skills is really good, and makes it stand out from the other games with their demon fusion and stuff.