Never lost momentum, whenever I stopped reading I always wanted to come back for more.
Now that I finished it there's only one more thing to say.

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The "How can we make the main character seem like a fucking freak while also being the most understandable character" visual novel

One of the most pretty looking JRPGs I've played. The colors usage is fucking incredible and the backgrounds are amazing looking.
The combat is great and satisfying and I havent even played half the roster yet. It just gets better with the well designed bosses and enemies this game has.
The campaign is cool too, not exactly the most detailed or most deep thing ever but its not that type of game. It is what it is and that's what makes it great.

I NEED the next president of the united states to be Michael Wilson I swear it would solve all of our problems in this country.

Shit ton of missions and really not much story behind them. Some missions are surprisingly fun while others are kinda bullshit.
Love that Grey Cloud is just proto Leviathan with how annoying that fight is.
Honestly though, even though I didnt like it as much as 2 it was overall a pretty decent game.

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After playing almost every armored core game I think I got a couple opinions on this one.
For starters, the story and combat is really fucking good. I'd say 6th gen is off to an excellent start.
I'd say some of the stuff I didn't like was the stagger meter, especially with the shielded stagger gage some of the bosses have and AC Extensions do.
Also the obvious fact that the soundtrack isn't up to par with previous gens.
Weapon ranges are also a lot shorter than they use to be and it makes some weapons feel kind of bad and that there's not as much part variety (something the next game is probably going to fix like all gens do.)
But that's honestly where my complaints end. The story is amazing with some twists and levels I wouldn't expect from and Armored Core game.
The skyboxes are fucking gorgeous with vibrant colors that really immerses you.
Also the melee weapons in this game were improved greatly from other games and it feels so nice to hit someone while they are staggered with it.
While the bosses in this game aren't like traditional boss fights, some of them hold up really well and are fun to fight. (I just wish there was an option to skip the spectacle fights like Ice Worm cause while its cool as fuck the first time its also annoying to do again when your doing the other endings)
While I'd say its not my favorite Armored Core game, it definitely is up there. Of course, being the first of its gen there's still stuff to be desired but hey, when was a numbered title perfect huh?
It just means that the next game is gonna be better. (I hope)

idc if May Greenfield does nothing in the mission, her just being there makes me play 100x better.

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Oh so I gotta prevent this weapon from activ.... NINEBALL WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!?!?!

Ibis if cooking up the best mech design ever was a job

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I want to go outside Mr.Controller


Honestly the best 1st Gen game. The story felt like the og Armored Core but you are move involved. Although I think Project Phantasma overall had a little better maps, Master of Arena is just the best out of all of them overall. Anyway,