What a disappointment, and the FRAME DROPS on pc are insane.

One of the most Iconic games imo. Many memories were had playing co-op with friends and family. Campaign is great as well, but goes on a bit too long sometimes. Also, some puzzles are a bit more confusing, but not in a good way. Fantastic game despite these issues, a must play for everyone.

I enjoyed playing it on the WiiU more, somehow.

Look how they massacred my boy...

Terrible story but fantastic gameplay and a lot of content. Incredible visuals and soundtrack. Great looking guns, however the visual effects from things like shock, fire, and all the elemental explosions that happens cause the screen to be cluttered with colourful noise. The elemental effects definitely needed to be tuned back.

I mean... it's just the first game, again.

Interesting idea but so goddamn boring.

Actually pretty good and enjoyable up until the 3rd boss fight. That's when the DLC forces you to grind to increase stats, and I stopped playing as I have a life and don't enjoy repeating the same thing over and over.

A more enjoyable rougelike, but far too grindy for me. I'm here to play and beat games, not waste my life away doing the same shit over and over again.

I liked this game. It's basic but engaging and fun. However, it definitely has not aged well in terms of graphics and I cannot tell you anything that happened in the game.

This review contains spoilers

I don't think there has ever been a game that hates itself more than TLOU2. The graphics are stunning and environments are gorgeous, but the pathetic attempt of a revenge story and terrible characters makes this one of my least favourite games.

You'll noticed that I haven't rated this game half a star, even though I despise it with every fibre of my being. That's because it has genuinely great elements/moments, but the game is mostly about the story and it's so depressing, badly written and self-hating.

• Beautiful graphics, attention to detail, gorgeous environments, a few great gameplay sections.
• The boss fight against Ellie is fantastic, and the rat king is great as well.
• Flashback sequences are, for the most part, great.

• Joel's death is rushed, stupid, predictable and unrespectful #JoelDidNothingWrong
• Jesse gets thrown to the sidelines the whole game. As one of the only interesting and likable characters in the game, I was furious when he open a door and immediately get shot in the head and dies. He is literally never mentioned ever again, despite being a father, and nobody cared that he died.
• Tommy doesn't want revenge, then gets shot in the eye, then wants revenge and disowned Ellie when she says no. Then Ellie abandons her perfect life to get revenge, after literally just saying she didn't want to.
• Ellie slaughters hundreds and hundreds of innocent people and animals that she has literally never met JUST to get to Abby and kill her. Then at the end of the game, she has her fingers bitten off and suddenly decides that she should let Abby live. Then she goes back to an empty home and life, not even being able to play the guitar Joel gave her.
• Bigot sandwiches and lesbian small talk.
• There are a total of 2 changes to gameplay, being the ability to dodge and crawl. Really? It's been 7 years and you couldn't find any way to spice up the gameplay?
• The game tries so hard to make you like Abby and hate Ellie. Fuck off.
• 12 hours of Ellie, then we jump to 12 hours of Giagantor where we do the exact same shit except we get better guns and gameplay sections (i.e Rat King), but we don't give a shit about any of the supporting characters since we know that all Abby's friends die, and then the other characters that we never met also die. What a fucking joke.
• This is a zombie game. You spend more time slaughtering humans that than you do even being near infected. Also, there's 2 new infected types that you see about 3 times in the whole game across both stories.
• The whole story with Yara, Lev and whoever the fuck else was utterly retarded.

Naughty Dog don't like the word "fun"? Wow, I never could have guessed...

Has more bugs that the amazon rainforest. Story is all-over the place but at least it kinda all adds up. Gameplay is basic but glitchy as all hell. Camera controls are horrible. Too ambitious for it's own good. It's a real shame because this game had so much potential, but it desperately needed more time in the oven.


If you thought it couldn't get lower than Scarlet and Violet, you were wrong. My autistic brother could have done better than this in 2 days while asleep.

Seriously, £50/$60 FOR THIS?! If you think this is in any way acceptable, you're a terrible person.

Atrocious. A waste of time, money and braincells. Barely anything good about this game. Broken and bug-filled, genuinely disgusting looking, utterly abysmal design and the destruction of the Pokemon IP. For a company that makes over 2 Billion dollars EACH YEAR, this is pathetic. Shame on Gamefreak, shame on Nintendo, and if you bought this shame on you.