unpopular opinions :0

a List where I give some of my worst opinions lol

it's an alright expansion, but maybe take this with a bit of salt as I've never played the game period so I played everything this had to offer and everything else in the base game and other expansion
it's not that bad
better than sonic 2 in every single way
best dkc game I've played so far
way WAY better than minecraft
i find it to be one of the weaker mario games
wall jumping is not as hard as everyone says it is lmao
i think this game is alright
couldn't get into it :(
amazing game in the moment but doesn't really entice me enough to come back and explore more after I beat the game. also weapons should be more durable


Can't agree with 6/10 of these, but I can't help but admire the cojones required to say that Super Mario Galaxy isn't a perfect video game that saved my life, cured cancer, ended racism, dismantled the nazi regime, and put Donkey Kong Country TV Show into the Louvre. Gotta respect that one.

2 years ago

that's fair lol, and even though I would say galaxy is one of the weaker ones I would still give it an 8/10 lmao
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2 years ago

Mario is just that good

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