Abandon Reason: Weird puzzles, not enough direction, bad walkthroughs. Watched a playthrough.

Abandon Reason: Transphobic Storyline

Abandon Reason: Bad quest design. lots of crashing

Abandon Reason: Co-op partner lost interest. I will only play this co-op.

Abandon Reason: Beat the main island, then it just became more annoying than fun.


Abandon Reason: Art was great, but unfortunately the mechanics and performance issues made me give up on beating this.

Abandon Reason: Felt like there was no good progression each loop. Game play got repetitive.

Abandon Reason: Generic Roguelite, doesn't offer anything too new in the genre.

Abandon Reason: World design was very cool, but the game play was boring and repetitive, with poorly planned levels and mechanics

Abandon Reason: Walking to a boss for 15sec, then getting one shot is not fun.

Abandon Reason: The game unfortunately did not respect my time with a lot of long death runs and a lot of backtracking. As well as some very clumsy gameplay/controls.

Abandon Reason: With a roguelike, you want your runs to be fairly short. Unfortunately it took almost 6 hours to get to the final boss, only to realise my cards were absolutely useless.