Only game I've 100%ed and felt so empty about it. Not that the game is bad per-se, it has good world-building and an interesting concept, but you don't get to learn enough about your character to really connect on any deeper level. I do have high hopes for the film adaptation and will be seeing it in theaters.

Fun and cute puzzle game. I'm baffled by the poor main menu navigation, but once you get into the game, it's a short and chill adventure with plenty of mind-bending puzzles to solve.

Controls are a bit floaty at times but they're still fun and there's nothing cooler than absolutely demolishing an enemy outpost. It's the game I just kept on keeping on until I finished the main story and all of the side-quests. I will say, play the expansion "First Light" as it offers more score-chasing mini-games with Delsin.

Environments are cool, large variety in characters, and tons of polish with no technical issues on my end, but...
No real way to fight back, movement and interactions are slow, killer has obvious advantage, teammates won't work together, survivor is boring and there's no way to live, hunter is boring as there's no significant challenge. Sure glad I didn't sink money into this pothole.

I just love cutting off the arms of everyone who crosses my path. Oh, and the game's pretty good too.

This is me being serious. In fact, this is my serious room. It's where I come to be serious.

Right when it was getting slow, it ramped back up again. Not as good as the first, but not bad by any means. More of what you came for is more of what you get.

Can't imagine anyone beating this with a controller. Like, are you okay? Should I get help?

Loved the monster designs, don't care for the gameplay.

The world's emptiness, although thematically relevant, leads to this glorified boss-rush having large gaps between events. Regardless, it's some of the best boss battle you'll ever play through, and no two bosses are the same.

Virtually created the lawn defense sub-genre. It's a really fun tower-defense and has plenty of cool mini-games to mix it up. fairly replayable and fun for multiplayer. Although I also have it on PC and PS3, I keep my DS copy around for download play multiplayer every now and then.

It is indeed sports, for the Wii.


I'm gunna sing The Doom Song now!
Doom doom doom doom doom, doom doom do DOOM, DOOOM doom do-doom, DOOM do-doom doom doooom, doom doom dooom, do-do-DOOOM!
(6 months later)
Doom doom doo doom doom, DOOMY-DOOMY-DOOM, doom do do DOOM, Do do DOOM, doomy-doomy-doomy, Doom doom doom

I was a meta knight main...

Supersonic-acrobatic-rocketpowered-battlecars. Fun for the whole family!