I dont wanna keep studying for my final that's in 3 hours so here's my favorite games i've played this year

I made it fifteen so it was a nice multiple of five so some of theses games are just games I kinda liked lul. then i remembered another one so its 16 games. idc this is just to keep my mind off finals

ranked roughly from most to least enjoyed, but i still liked all these games, and also like most of these games have entered my top 100 of all time so even the ones in the middle I really really enjoyed

Just the demo that was released this year for it, but man what an amazing demo. Fishing and sailing a boat in a sleepy town where cosmic horrors may happen in the full game is just a perfect idea for a game, and its executed wonderfully.
This was a demo of a really cute and fun puzzle game where you have to create stories out of scenarios, objects, and characters. And the amount of stories you can tell in just the demo is quite substantial and really fun to find out. I 100%ed the demo and when I get the full game in my hands I'm gonna 100% that too.
I'm all for farming sims in any capacity, and this is certainly one of those. Or maybe it won't be, idk. bc i only played the demo i have a very incomplete view of the true game, so maybe the farming is going to be a very small part of it, but either way this game looks great, and it was very fun to play. it's very relaxing and intriguing, im definitely looking forward to the full release. that prologue during the war was unnecessary though imo. i think if the game started with the main character getting to the village after the war the story would flow better.
Live A Live
Live A Live
I was always planning on playing the original but then this game's demo came out and wowed me. I hadn't played Triangle Strategy yet, so my expectations for this team's work was set by Octopath Traveler, which is one of the worst written games of all time. But maybe since they already had a good blueprint, they ended up making a fantastic game. There's some rough patches in it, but I might make a review of this once I play the original so I'll save most of my thoughts on it for then.
Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes
Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes
wow it turns out that if you make a game in a warriors game engine thats a warriors game and not an srpg it actually runs and plays really well. also it turns out that if you dont your game project isnt heavily set back (at minimum) three times and you aren't doing constant and drastic rewrites (which has technically never been proven but I SWEAR that had to have been happening and i have EVIDENCE to prove it), your game's story will turn out good.

Also thank you for redesigning the war designs for the characters, like over half of them looked so fucking bad in three houses. but minus 4 points for no playable judith or nader. if you for a second think id rather play as holst, one of the worst designed characters in the whole series, instead of judith or nader than your as dumb as the people who didnt make judith playable in three houses.
Triangle Strategy
Triangle Strategy
I played this game and didnt hate it?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?! I thought this game was gonna be boring as shit. And it is. But in a way that i like.

Basically, i couldn't care less about the game's actual story bc its boring and i dont care, but the battles in this game are incredibly fun, and the streamlining of the srpg that this game does works really well. Its very simple and blunt, but thats whats so fun about it.
Scott Pilgrim vs. the World: The Game - Complete Edition
Scott Pilgrim vs. the World: The Game - Complete Edition
This game sounds great, looks great, and is fun to play with your friends who don't play video games that much but love scott pilgrim. That being said it is a very basic and monotonous game. I've never made it past the third level and I don't think that will ever change. It's got a lot of soul, and a lot of skill on display, but also pressing the same button over and over again gets very boring.

kim is the best character btw
Drakengard 3
Drakengard 3
I finally got to playing this game after wanting to for years. I still haven't played much of the first one, but I doubt that matters too much, as I haven't even finished this one yet. I'm a good ways into it, though, and really loving it. It reminds me a lot of Kid Icarus Uprising. Kinda meh third person action and occasional on-rails bits that's elevated by its writing and top-tier cast of characters. Also I haven't noticed the game dropping to single-digit framerates like a lot of people have claimed will happen so thats good ig.
Resonance of Fate
Resonance of Fate
this game's thesis statement is that guns are cool and look cool and youre awesome when you shoot people with them, and i agree. it has the most goofy demeanor ive ever seen from an rpg, like bordering on parody or surrealist at times. it's also very hard and confusing and i think that adds a lot to the experience. also the acting in it is very good. Nolan north is so nolan north-y in it that it wraps around from being annoying to being incredibly entertaining.
Ivy the Kiwi?
Ivy the Kiwi?
I played this game for a while, and let me tell you. it is a game that i liked. its a fun little puzzle endless runner game, and i think the motion controls add a lot to it. It is a pretty basic game though, so it doesn't take long to get burnt out on when you play it.
Rune Factory Frontier
Rune Factory Frontier
I've loved harvest moon since i was a child, and so when i saw a game called "Rune Factory: A Fantasy Harvest Moon" at gamestop one day i was very excited to play it, but i immediately bounced off it. I can't really remember why I didn't like it, but i had avoided the rune factory series for a while after that. Up until this year, in fact, when i decided to play this game on a whim and fell in love. It's literally just harvest moon, but with fantasy elements to it, what a perfect idea. idk why i didn't like the first one as a kid, but if the rest of the series is as good as this one, then im definitely gonna finish the rest of them by 2024.
Silent Hill 3
Silent Hill 3
I played a little of this in 2021, but I played a majority of it this year, and it was excellent. I never finished 2, which is something I hope to rectify eventually, but I was hooked on this game the moment I started playing it. Also this game's soundtrack is amazing and I listen to it constantly now to the annoyance of everyone in my life
Tear Ring Saga
Tear Ring Saga
The last of Kaga's games (that I can play) that I had yet to play. I haven't finished Berwick yet, but I don't see why I couldn't also start Tear Ring while I kept chunking through it. And I've really really enjoyed my time with it so far. I'm not very far in, only at about chapter 9 or so, but it's been a real blast. This game is so hard to emulate though for some reason. It took me like two hours of trouble shooting to make it run without glitching out to the point of being unplayable, but that time spent was worth it I think. I have been having a really fun time with this game's mechanics. I know its something that's said often, but this really feels like Fe6. It doesn't help that the official Fe6 is one of the most boring games ever made. And this game easily has way more text and fake fantasy politics in it, yet it's still so enthralling. I love all the characters so far too. The cast has a lot more depth and character then you'd expect from a Kaga game. Not to be one of the people claiming that Kaga's characters are one-note, I actually completely disagree with that idea. But there seems to be a lot more care put into each character this time around that you don't really get not only from Kaga, but Fire Emblem in general.
Moon: Remix RPG Adventure
Moon: Remix RPG Adventure
peak boring game, honestly. I love game's that are slow-paced and, as some may say, "boring", and this is exactly that kinda game. I've heard Chulip is basically better in every way, and I have played like 30 minutes of Contact, which definately has a lot more going on, but moon's unpretentious nothingness has a powerful charm to it. It is sweet and genuine and really the perfect antithesis to the stereotypical rpg. really this is like the good version of yiik. it does everything yiik tries and fails spectacularly at. It actually is genuine and comes from a place of love for humanity instead of self-loathing or embitterment towards the world.
BS Zelda no Densetsu
BS Zelda no Densetsu
Honestly the original zelda has one of the best designed game worlds, which is evident when stuff like zelda 1 in doom still being incredibly fun to play. Honestly, I've seen the first iteration of hyrule elevated so many times, but the original zelda has always been hard for me to play. I play for like three hours once a year and while I find it extremely satisfying, I also find it extremely draining and boring. That is not the case with this version, which looks better, plays better, sounds better, and just feels better. Also you can play as zelda in it which automatically makes it a better game.
Gunstar Heroes
Gunstar Heroes
Ive always wanted to play this game bc when i was a child i used to watch a youtube game reviewer and top ten list maker named cjs001, he was like the third youtuber i ever watched. anyway he talked about this game a lot and so its always been prattling around in my brain so when i saw it on steam i bought it instantly and, like, it's incredible. It just feels so good to control, feels so good to shoot things, and the experimentation with the different guns is a lot of fun too.


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