Better than the base game for me.

I'm a big fan of the bossfights here, although I didn't to the optional fight in this DLC. Lady Maria was definitely my favourite boss in all of Bloodborne and is so far my favourite FromSoft bossfight.

The areas are also really well designed and look great, I loved the atmosphere.

If you liked the base game, then this DLC is well worth the admittedly high price for it. Just make sure you look up how to access the DLC from the base game, and make sure to do the DLC before you beat the main game's final boss (beating the final boss will immediately put you into a new game cycle).

There's a lot to like about this game, I loved the atmosphere and level design in particular.

I liked some of the bossfights, my favourites were father Gascoigne and the final boss (not the secret final boss, I didn't get that ending), the other bosses mostly ranged from good to okay in my opinion (Micolash is the exception to this as his fight was miserable).

For me the chalice dungeons actively made the game worse, without them I would easily give this game an 8/10, they're just boring and repetitive to me and the more difficult ones just felt more annoying than anything else to me.

The gameplay also felt solid overall, most of the general combat felt good, but I do feel like the dodge when you're locked on is a little slow to start up. This made some attacks feel unreactable with the delay between inputting dodge and the I-frames actually coming out, I got frustrated by this a good amount over my playthrough.

I also have some issues with the health vial system, because you permanently run out of them if you use too much, things like poison swamps are more obnoxious than ever because of the health lost from poison. Sometimes I got close to beating a boss only to lose too many health vials and have to grind for more instead of being able to retry and learn the bossfights. It also doesn't help that your blood echoes that you need to buy more healing items with are lost upon dying, so you have to just stop fighting the boss to farm more heals. Also the cost of blood vials increases over the course of the game, which makes this problem last a little later into the game than it otherwise would've. Thankfully this mostly goes away in the late game, where you're able to stock more and more over the course of the game to the point that you are unlikely to run out even after spending 60 on one fight.

With all that being said, when this game feels good to play, few games can compare to the feeling of playing it, the DLC is also really good and worth playing.

This game is really solid overall, it has some annoying aspects, but the good vastly outweighs it overall.

My favourite part of this game is the atmosphere, the world feels oppressive and each area reflects how the world has decayed due to the demons. Aesthetically, my favourite area was the Tower of Latria, I loved how you start in this bleak prison and make your way up to the top of these towers and can drop down into a swamp below these towers, all seamlessly without a loading screen between them which was great. Progressing through the poison swamp was also really cool, it felt like the area was getting more and more filthy and decayed as you progressed through it which was fascinating.

The gameplay is pretty good overall, it plays well for the most part and, while I haven't played Dark Souls 1 yet, I've heard it plays nearly identically to that game, however I can say that does play notably similarly to Dark Souls 3. My main gripe with the gameplay is the lock-on system, which restricts your movement options when you use it, where you can only roll in four directions and can only sprint forwards. This made me mostly play without locking on so I can sprint and roll in any direction.

One thing I really don't like about this game is the healing items being permanently consumed instead of the estus flask system of the Dark Souls games. I had to grind quite a bit for healing items in the early and mid game which was annoying and allows you to store hundreds of total healing items if you can accrue them. This stopped being an issue in the late game for me, in fact I had hundreds of healing items which was pretty silly. I also had an issue with the limit you had on items you can hold at any time, this can make the player stop what they're doing and double back to the nexus to drop off items which only serves to slow gameplay down unnecessarily.

I'm not sure how I feel about the music, the boss themes felt a little off to me, like I got what they were going for with things like the Dragon God's theme making you feel like a rat hiding from the giant demon trying to kill you. The themes just felt like they should've had a more grander feeling to it, they felt underwhelming in that regard.

Another issue I have with this game is the grinding you have to do to upgrade your weapons, you won't naturally get upgrade materials over the course of the game like in Dark Souls 3, but instead grind one enemy type until you max out your weapon. This is extremely tedious and messes up the pacing of the game a bit. I think it would've been much better if you had to progress further into the game to get the better upgrade materials instead of tying them behind the same enemies, just with lower drop rates. I grinded to max out my Crushing Claymore and it ended up making the rest of the game too easy, so the game balance doesn't feel like it scales with the intent of you fully upgrading your weapons.

The bosses were also a little iffy for me. A lot of them felt centered around a gimmick and a lot I could just win because my stats were too high. I did enjoy a few of the bosses, like the Flamelurker and the Old Hero, but there were others like Storm King which you can cheese by hitting him from behind a wall where he can't hit you back. I definitely would've liked more bosses where you just have to learn their patterns and win with skill instead of learning their one gimmick, but their not annoying to fight at least, just not what I'd prefer.

The performance on PS3 was mostly good, but there are some parts where dragons come down and breathe fire that cause slowdown and framedrops that are pretty annoying.

One thing that does suck about this game is that the servers have been shut down, so the online no longer exists, which locks some content away for people playing it now.

Overall, this game is good, I'm not sure how it stacks up compared to the other Souls games yet, but this game is solid on its own. I highly recommend it if you have a PS3.

This game is simultaneously so good and so bad, it's mostly fantastic but has a few parts that are irredeemably terrible. The levels are mostly great, I love how many option you get to accomplish your objectives and how you have bonus objectives on main missions that increase replay value. The story is mostly told through audio recordings you can listen to if you feel like it, so you can just ignore them if you want but I found them enjoyable to listen to while doing side ops and made the game more interesting. Although the story was very underwhelming for a Metal Gear game, they also didn't finish the story and you can see a cut ending on youtube that actually has some partially finished cutscenes you can see. There are some missions that ruin parts of the game, like the opening mission which is easily the worst mission in the game for me with how fucking slow and drawn out it is, also you have to play through that section a second time in a later mission without any changes to make things any less insufferable. Snake also likes to slip on the tiniest of slopes for seemingly no reason which gets really fucking annoying because it seems to activate inconsistently. There's a good amount of vehicles in the game and they all feel off to control, they also get stuck on tiny rocky for no reason at times. When you get detected, the enemy AI can blatantly see you through walls, which is really fucking annoying when a tank can lob a fucking shell over a rock an hit you in the head with pinpoint accuracy, this makes combat feel like complete garbage but this is a stealth game so it's only a problem on forced combat missions which are thankfully few and far between. Basically, the game at its core is fantastic, but there are so many problems with this game that I can't overlook that bring it down a bit. In spite of its problems I think this game is well worth a play, just be prepared for the horrible parts.

Amazing remaster of a already great game, easily the best way to play this game in my opinion. There's a lot of content here, and most of it is good, although I didn't really care for the shareware episode too much, it felt too slow paced and didn't give me enough weapons and enemies to play with. The main part of the game is great, and there's a new episode called The Hunt Continues that's pretty good as well. It took me about 20 hours to play the shareware episode, the main game, and the new episode while getting all the steam achievements and I think that the game overstays its welcome if you do all that. But the main part of the game is easily my favourite part and it alone is worth the price in my opinion. I also loved how you can use the soundtrack from the Rise of the Triad remake, which was awesome. I will say though, that the new lighting option makes the game harder by restricting how far you can see while enemies can still shoot you just as easily as before from far away, I had to turn this setting off because it made the game much harder for minimal gain. All in all, this game is weird and I love it for that, I highly recommend it.

Pretty fun overall, it keeps things simple and that makes it an easy game to enjoy. The story has nothing to offer other than provide the setting for the levels and I didn't like it very much, I will probably skip all cutscenes on my next playthrough. The levels are mostly pretty good, it's generally more slow and platforming focused compared to Sonic Unleashed and Generations and feels unique as a result. The controls are a little awkward for some of the more precise platforming and I occasionally missed jumps I don't think I would've in any other platformer. I also didn't like how things like the drift and quickstep are now only usable in specific parts of levels, this feels pretty dumbed down compared to Unleashed and the quickstep controls feel pretty bad. The graphics look great and the environment is very visually interesting, this is quite impressive looking for a wii game. I found good replay value here with the ranking system and red star rings, I can easily see myself go back and try to get S-ranks and red star rings. Overall, this is a pretty solid game, but doesn't do anything outstanding, it's just a fun, simple game.

Very underwhelming in terms of content and quality of content. It took me about two and a half hours to beat and I had no desire to replay any levels to go for higher ranks. The classic Sonic levels felt fine at first, but once he learns the homing attack they had very little to differentiate themselves from the modern Sonic levels. There really isn't anything here that stands out about this game to me, it was okay at best.

Enjoyable to play, but this game is not worth any sum of money to play for how short it is. You can easily beat this game in under an hour, which makes it shorter than many demos I've played. The gameplay here is good though and it is a fun game to play. There are side missions that are enjoyable to play and the replay value is pretty good, but you're still only replaying one map here. Even while replaying missions and playing all side missions it's a pretty short game. Only get it if it comes bundled with the main game, otherwise why even bother.

While I love sneaking through the jungle in this game and I like the story, I think there are some parts of this game that just annoy me. It's worth noting I played through the game with the behind the shoulder camera.

Sneaking around outside of the jungle is frustrating and made me feel like I'm missing important knowledge on how to deal with those environments, like it's not clear when disguises are effective. My problems with sneaking outside of the jungle make the caution period after you you get detected extremely annoying and I just ended up hiding under something and going on my phone for the long ass timer they make you suffer through. Also the escort section at the end of this game can fuck right off, that shit had to be trying to piss me off and was miserable to play through. Another issue I have is the injuries that you have to pause the game and cure, it slows down the game for seemingly no reason because I always wave more than enough medical supplies to heal every wound, so these only serve to slow down the pace of gameplay and annoy me. I think it might've been a cooler mechanic if the resources were more scarce and you would sometimes have to continue survive with an injury until you gathered the necessary supplies. But that's a small part of the game, so it doesn't make the game bad in my opinion, just makes it feel inconsistent, especially in comparison to MGS1 and 2.

I think a lot of the action in this game feels a little off due to the dated shooting controls, but the creativity of this game and polish on what it does well is phenomenal, in that way I can see why people love this game so much. I love the creativity of some of the bossfights, but some of them feel like they arbitrarily can just block bullets like Vulcan and the Boss, which I don't know how I feel about the Boss being able to block the entire pellet spread from a fucking shotgun, but it's for gameplay balance so it's no more than a weird thing that you have to adjust to.

Overall, this game is a true classic and I recommend everyone give it a playthrough at least once in their lives, but I found it to be a little less consistent overall compared to its predecessors. Also the opening song is absolute fucking fire.

Honestly, it's not that good singleplayer, but I played through all the levels in multiplayer and had a good time. The multiplayer is absurdly unbalanced and chaotic, which just made it all the more fun for me. I found the level design to rely too heavily on summoning Tails to fly you around, which slows the gameplay down a little too much for my taste. I also found the music to be enjoyable enough, with some tracks that I liked, it definitely better than episode 1's, but not one of the best Sonic soundtracks out there. I didn't care for the special stages that much and only ended up getting 5 chaos emeralds because I just couldn't be bothered to play anymore of them. But overall, this is at least a fun co-op game, just not very fun singleplayer, I'd only recommend it if you have a friend who you can convince to play with you.

Pretty good mod that's better than the base game in almost every way, although Sonic Forces was pretty bad, so that's not telling the full story.

I liked the story and was surprised by how much effort was put into it for a mod. They use comic book panels with voice acting for the cutscenes which was well beyond what I expected from a mod. There's also some original music that I liked here, and the final boss theme was pretty awesome.

The levels have a lot to them, and are pretty fun with how much they throw at you and how many paths you can take. But I had a problem with identifying paths and obstacles before they passed, and I think these levels can benefit from some better indication of stuff like that. But other than that, these were some good levels.

It's also worth noting that this took me less than 2 hours to go through, but I didn't go for all S-Ranks or red-star-rings, so there's definitely a decent amount of content for people looking for it. But the mod is pretty short if you just play through the levels once each, like I did.

Overall, if you have Sonic Forces on PC, and like boost formula Sonic, I highly recommend you give it a try.

A pretty fun game overall with a really enjoyable story. I found this game to feel a little strange at first, being surprised by a full episode of a T.V. show when I was hoping to play more of the game. I can easily see these 4 T.V. episodes turning some people away, but I changed my expectations after the 1st episode and ended up enjoying this aspect and didn't feel like the last 3 episodes slowed the pacing. There is also an absurd amount of collectable readable objects that some people might find to slow the pace down, but I skimmed through most of them and only read some specific ones that I found interesting which didn't slow things down too much. I also really like how you get to make choices as the villain in each chapter that change the outcome of the story, these choices got me thinking and improved my experience, although I would need to replay the game to see how much these choices impact the story. The gameplay feels weird at first, because you have a lot more recoil on guns than most games, encouraging more close-quarters fighting with the exception of the sniper enemies who I found annoying to deal with. I also found some checkpoints to be spread thin and had to replay some sections by going much farther back than you would expect from a game released in the past 15 years which was frustrating. But other than those things, I liked the combat in this game, although I felt like it could've been better. I found that this game got more and more enjoyable as it went on and the story gained momentum, and my opinion on this went from iffy to finding it great. I also found the pc version to have the mouse cursor appear when a menu pops up despite me playing with a controller, which wasn't a big deal but was annoying. I also had the game crash once during my playthrough while skipping a cutscene, but I didn't lose any progress from this, so it wasn't a problem. I think this game is worth playing if you can get it for a good price.

While I like a lot of what this game does different from its predecessors, it's just way too buggy and unpolished which makes the game far worse than it should've been.

A lot of the new ideas here don't get full implemented and it's a big shame. You now have a bunch of new options to sneak around with, but the level design rarely allows you to make good use of these improvements. The frontier is cool, but it just is too big for an area most players will do little to nothing in. I think this could've been alleviated with more fast travel points to make traversing it less of a pain. The fast travel points in the cities are unlocked in an obnoxious way by slowly traversing the underground and I couldn't be bothered to unlock more than one of these points. I also thought the way you discover portions of the map wasn't very good this time around, the viewpoints seem arbitrary in this game with no really tall buildings that you could find just by looking up and finding the tallest building nearby. You can now discover the map by traversing it yourself, which isn't nearly as fun and gets annoying when you have to do because there aren't any viewpoints to uncover the map in certain areas.

I liked the modern day sections where you played as Desmond, that was easily my favourite part of the game. I think that part of the game makes the game worth playing to anyone interested in the overarching story of the previous games, even though it takes up a small section of the game's overall playtime.

Overall, this is a messy game, but I did have a lot of fun with it in spite of that, and I can only recommend it to fans of the prior games in the franchise.

Really fun story and well paced gameplay. There's an oppressive horror atmosphere in the game, but I wouldn't consider that scary because of the action aspect of it, it mostly adds to the tension which I really liked. The story is pretty wild and fun to follow. I also liked finding the manuscript pages and read all the ones I cam across, I loved how they would foreshadow events and add to the lore of everything. The game is also not afraid to be silly, and that made things a lot more fun for me. As good as the pacing is, there isn't too much variance to the gameplay and I can see people lose interest over time due to it. The game also takes away your equipment relatively frequently which will probably bother a lot of players, although I didn't mind it too much. It's worth noting I played through the game on controller and found the game controlled really well, although I don't know how it would feel on a keyboard. I highly recommend this game.

Pretty cool that they got this game working on the psp, but it just isn't very fun. It plays very similarly to Assassin's Creed 1, but without the great environments that game had. I found that you can just run past enemies in almost of the levels instead of engage with the stealth. Guards will attack you on sight if you run around and it gets really fucking annoying. Luckily, the game is short and took me less than 4 hours, although I skipped much of the side content after sequence 2. It doesn't add anything to the overall story either. Despite not being that bad, it's not really worth playing.