It was cool until my friends ruined it for me by playing like they're on crack and then it was just not fun

It's actually pretty good until you realize it's a gacha game. It upsets me cause this game could have been so much more, it looks beautiful and I love the character designs and overall gameplay and world, it just feels like such a waste for it to be a game that relies on updates and microtransactions. I've gotta give it credit where it deserves but man, it's a lot of wasted potential.

It's a lot more fun and creative than it gets credit for, granted I have never played a single comp match

The definition of a fad game, I sucked at it anyway

Was decent but way too easy to lose your way, it should have been at least a little more straightforward with where you're supposed to go or do next.

Mfw I fall in love with a set of characters who are intentionally designed to be bland stereotypes

This is not a game it's an advertisement

Java version is better in pretty much every way


backloggd users review this game without mentioning the community challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


Was very fun while it lasted, sadly Nintendo gave up on it so early and didn't leave it with enough content to keep it interesting.

I cannot comprehend how people like this game so much, I've tried over and over but I can't get into it :(