I firmly hold the belief that if they were given about 6 more months to work on this game, it would have been a really phenomenal experience. It's an extremely fun premise for a game and they executed it pretty damn well. The controls for the most part are good but can be buggy occasionally, along with the rest of the game. It's riddled with bugs and it runs very poorly most of the time. But I gotta say aside from that, there's very little they would have to do to make this game any better.

Absolutely fantastic. Improves on all the faults of the original DDLC in a perfect way. Leaves the game itself alone but adds plenty of bonus content, so much reason to come back and not only replay DDLC, but also numerous times.

Still very early on in development but GOD this is already super good. Still needs a few tweaks to the gameplay for the final game and a lot more customization, but for this being a quick demo it's already fantastic. Very excited for the final game.

I give up on this shit ass game, you want me to find 50 different kinds of pokemon to go to the gym, well I grind for literal hours and find NOTHING I haven't caught already, bad game

I can tell this is absolutely a high quality game, but I am definitely not smart enough to figure it out. I still recommend it but I didn't personally enjoy it much.

Deltarune is absolutely shaping up to fix the already quite minor problems I had with Undertale. I have a feeling I'm going to have a new favorite game by the time this is out.

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I'm absolutely garbage at fighting games but the overall style of this game makes me have fun regardless

It's angry birds, what do you want me to say

I gotta say, this game still holds up really well. I played this on the Switch but I'm going to assume the game's original manual explained a bit more, since I got frustrated at a couple areas not knowing what to do. It's clear why this game became so iconic, it's got so much style and creativity to it that I honestly don't really see in the New Super Mario Bros series. Come back to your roots Nintendo :)

I can absolutely say that I see why this game is so beloved. It has its flaws but honestly considering the impact it had and the time when it came out, it's a phenomenal experience.

Played through this game with my mom and I gotta say, this game feels really weirdly balanced between great for multiplayer, and horrible for multiplayer. It's a really fun experience but MAN can some areas be challenging with all the players running into each other. Regardless, really fun platformer.

Much shorter than I expected but still pretty high quality, with plenty of replayability

100% my favourite game on the NES. I think without the lag being quite unbearable at times, this would be essentially a perfect game, considering the time period and console it was made on.

The gameplay was solid and the levels were really fun to go through, unfortunately the game overall felt pretty disjointed considering how weirdly the story played out but hey, fun to play while watching some YT on my other monitor.