Pretty fun game, but I lost all of my data so I didn't finish it. Would recommend if you like the idea of being a pirate and you don't wanna play Sea of Theives

Combat is the best part about this game by a long shot. I also had a bug where when you fly to a different planet from certain planets, the characters would t-pose inside the ship for like 10 sec. Not harming but I should still mention it. Anyway 3.5 stars or 7/10

Best zelda game ever, I don't even know how to explain it, just play it for yourself

This is the best 2d platformer. The reason it is 4 and not 5 stars is because its too short for my liking. Great game tho

I have played half way through, and do intend to finish it, just not right now.

After 70hs, this game is a masterpiece. I do believe GTA V is a better game, but not by much. Loved every second.

I very much enjoyed this, I may pick it up again for a 2nd playthrough.

Another platinum that i have obtained, better than the original. The only problem i have with it is that it feels short. Only 22h to plat, which isn't alot.

Combat is really satisfying.

Amazing and really funny.

The only game I've one-hundred percented

One of, if not the best game I've ever played. The story is so good and I want ragnorok

Awesome game, everyone should play it