Took everything from the original and made it 10x better.

Nintendo somehow made the Bald Bull rematch is harder than Super Macho Man.
Game is really fun, kinda like a puzzle game and an action, but there are certain moments (specifically Sandman, Bull, and Mike Tyson) that feel really crappy to play half the time.

How did they fit this on NES hardware? Like that’s an actual question answer me now.

Best Kirby game by a long shot

I went over to my friends house, played this game, and felt like one of those reaction channels. I don’t know what it is about this game, but it just clicks, and I might consider getting it for myself

This shouldn’t be good; but here we are

Good game if I could find people offline to play with

This is somehow more confusing than how I do nothing for a living

Where is monster Hunter smash