Still my undisputed favorite game of all time. Perfect difficulty curve, great music, great level design, fun gameplay and bosses, very nice and satisfying story. I've played this game pretty much every year since I started playing video games and nothing has yet to top this as my favorite game of all time.

It may not be better than X1 but as a sequel it's pretty damn good and can be a bit tricky at times in endgame but it's still a fun experience! Good music, fun boss fights, and great secrets and alternate bosses!

While the first two games did a fantastic job, X3 is sadly a big drop in quality for me. I would actively never play this again as the design is way too punishing from time to time even at the first level. The boss battles are just so uninteresting with just moving left to right back and forth. The music feels like it's lost it's touch and I actively can't tell the difference at times. Honestly a garbage game.

From the awful X3 game, X4 comes back now complete with a Zero only campaign! Both X and Zero have different ways of playing and both of them are so much fun! The story routes for them is also different and while the dialogue is off at times, and some level design is questionable, this game no doubt is still amazing.

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Graphically this is a really good remake! It also adds more dialogue to flesh out the story a bit and has the level design changed slightly so that veterans can have something new as well! It still doesn't beat the magic of the original but nonetheless I still had my enjoyment! I wanted to play as Vile but sadly didn't have the time.

A collection of 3 amazing platformers(not you X3) AND the new X challenge mode that has you fighting 2 mavericks at once?? Complete with achievements and collectables?? Yeah this collection rocks. Although the switch version has slight input delay, I thankfully don't mind it too much.

Mega Man Battle Network 1 overall is a great start to the series! You can definitely tell it's aged with how cryptic some quest can be and the enemy encounters being too common, but this is honestly a solid start to the new RPG Megaman games. Can't wait to get to 2!

A solid start to the Zero series with it being more focused on difficulty. I'm not too big a fan of it however since it's very grindy and enemies off screening you is really annoying but I can forgive it for being the first one.

Mechanically speaking this is an upgrade both in gameplay and story compared to Zero 1. They even made grinding weapon experience a lot less tedious thankfully. However when it came to enemy placement and level design I feel they got worse from the first game. So many instances of enemies on a wall or ledge to hinder you from going forward and getting blind sided way too often. Lots of bosses just doing a butt load of damage more than what's expected of the Zero games. It was just a frustrating experience and it didn't feel hard, it just felt tedious to play through

Talk about a culmination of Zero's gameplay. Various weapons, equipable armor, body upgrades, crazy combos, epic boss fights, challenging level design, amazing story, peak final boss, this game has it all for a platformer. My only slight issue is unlocking some of the gear is crypt and not easily discoverable which is quite annoying but that's about it.

Surprised they managed to make another game considering how Zero 3's ending feels perfect. This game didn't really need to exist but for being the conclusion it's a solid game. No harm done and still pretty fun although I do miss the crazy customization from Zero 3.

Mega Man decided to take an interesting approach with a Metroidvania game and it works fine for the most part! Being able to finally play as the Guardians using their biometal is really fun and the music is solid! Accepting missions and figuring out the map is pretty annoying I will say but not enough to ruin it.

Still a metroidvania Mega Man game EXCEPT it's pretty clear on how you accept missions and where you're supposed to go. However now we have the addition of Model A(not Axl) who can copy boss data and allow you to play as the bosses! While some of them suck, for the most part a majority of them are fun as heck! This game may not be as memorable to me but I still think it's pretty fun and had a challenging final area and boss!

All 6 Zero games as well as an online speed run leaderboards AND a 2P race mode?? This collection is amazing. Also comes with unlockable remastered tracks and achievements! On top of that, it seems they fixed the input lag that was present in the other collections which makes me so happy!

I have played this game since I got it in the hopes of trying to 100% it and I was thankfully able to do it a few years back! Love it to death despite it not being the best of the trilogy. The multiplayer is so fun! I was lucky enough to have a sibling with the other version and we fought each other quite often. Cool battles and transformations! Music is great! Random encounters happen a bit too much at times but getting cloakers removes this issue thankfully. Hoping Capcom releases a collection one day!