I have fond memories of playing this game with my brother and cousins. The combat, bosses, and weapon upgrades were fun. That's all this game needed.

How could you just sit there and not play this game?!

Probably one of the best executed, dynamic, reaction-based combat in my book. It definitely has a steep learning curve. But once you grasp boss patterns and the parry and other counter-attack mechanics, you're pretty much golden. Just think of it as a rhythm game.

I love this game so much that I decided to shoot for 100% achievement completion. And that I did.

Generic, formulaic, and hence forgettable.

My first Souls game. Siegward is a true homie.

My first Persona game. I bought this game as per my friend's recommendation around Thanksgiving/Winter Break of my sophomore year in college (2016). I spent 2 weeks being a total goblin, doing nothing but binge this game. Needless to say, I was hooked. Crack-like gameplay loop between the life sim and dungeon crawling sections, banger OST, overall intriguing story, stunning visuals and presentation that even the menus look flashy and gorgeous.

Although, I hate how a cat keeps bossing you around in this game but it's whatever. Oh and I wish you could romance both sexes.

A cute and decently challenging game that is worth your time.

This game is without a doubt the best souls-like starter pack in the current gaming market. It's accessible in the simplicity of its combat and power progression compared to your core souls-likes like Dark Souls, Elden RIng, Sekiro, etc. However, despite the simplification, the game still manages to offer a decent amount of challenge. At the same time, it has an assist option in case players feel stuck and frustrated.

Another Crab's Treasure also achieves the perfect blend between an eye-catching colorful world that is enticing to new players and a somber dreariness similar to Dark Souls which is a staple mainstay in the genre.

Humor is cleverly integrated into the world from charming little marine puns to blatant references to real-life brands and the depressing pitfalls of capitalism. It's funny and cute and there's a lot of them.

As for the story, while it is on the nose, it leaves enough room for mystery to keep me wanting to see the game to its end.

This game does have some problematic physics and the terrain could definitely be made smoother in some areas. Towards the end, I also encountered a bug that caused the game to lose all sound and slow down to a crawl.

Despite its flaws, I enjoyed this game immensely for the wonderful little nugget of an addition to the souls-like genre that it is. I hope it draws more new players to the genre - one that regularly intimidates people from giving it a chance (Dark Souls 1 deserves this though) - and give it the attention that it deserves.

My first Lego game. I decided to pick this one up when it had gone on steam sale as I was curious about the Lego games. It left a lukewarm impression.

Earned all achievements. Thank you for adding a boss rush mode.

This is my first theme park simulator/management game and I am having an amazing time with it. Park management feels seamless as virtually all critical features are consolidated into one navigable menu hub. The degree of creative freedom that this game allows is purely astronomical with its varied ride selections, terrain manipulation, easy swapping between grid-based and modular building, and 0 collision between non-functional objects. Most surprising of all, this game runs pretty well even with an all-atoms-in-the-universe's worth in assets populating my park at any given frame.

However, for all the freedoms that this game affords the player, it comes with some serious flaws. For one, path building can be somewhat of a pain. This is most pronounced when interacting with uneven terrain, facilities, and other paths that you've previously laid down especially while fighting to maintain or achieve your desired path formations. Another feature that needs improvement is coaster/ride construction. Laying down track pieces and making seamless connections between them can take a lot of unnecessary trial and error. It can be frustrating especially when an unforeseen roadblock forces you to tear down an entire length of track and start all over.

TLDR, this game is really good if you care about creative freedom in park-building. But you may end up feeling frustrated when interacting with the coaster/ride and path editor.

The gateway MOBA that ultimately led me to the toxic relationship I now have with League of Legends. I played countless hours (both joyful and miserable) of DOTA with friends back in 2008-2009 at my family's computer cafe until I eventually moved on to LoL. I was a Broodmother and Puck main. This game will always hold a special place in my heart.