You can be gay/10

But in all seriousness I do really appreciate that the dialogue for the love interests changes between genders while still being romantic, they put a lot of work into the localization to make it more inclusive.

The best thing about MK11 is they said fuck it and made the guys into eyecandy and honestly? They should keep going

Very lovely open world but goodness were the dungeons (Great Beast ones) dogshit and same-y designwise, get what they were going for with the ambient soundtrack but personally one of my favorite aspects of every Zelda game is the music so snzzz

Did appreciate the giant sexy shark though

Titania carried Shadowbringers without them it would be a flop game


Does anyone remember that Katsura Hashino interview where he said he doesn't believe men and women can be friends/that he's never befriended a woman? It shows

They hit the ground running in the first dungeon and then just completely crash and burn after that and succeeded in creating the worst main cast in a Persona game by far and the least memorable/relatable set of social links, it's actually kind of impressive

Absolutely the biggest disappointment in the franchise imo, I could spend hours talking about all my issues with it and why it was a colossal disappointment, it really was just style over substance in every way

God I wish they'd cut out the stupid ass Assassin's Creed overarching plotline Templars this Isu that I don't care! I'm here to run around and kill things and see Alexios half naked. The plot was surprisingly nice though

When I'm done with Leon, Las Plagas will look like the Common Cold

The only reason I gave it more than a 2 is because Gladio and Noctis (only in timeskip) are sexy otherwise it would have been lower, everytime I had to progress the story I was miserable because the story sucked ass but exploring as fun

Probably one of the best JRPGs I've played hindered by a very small budget but the absolute passion put into the game really does show. It's good to know in knowing about the fatphobia present in the 2nd dungeon and transphobia present in the 2nd and 3rd dungeons, but ultimately it does get really good after the 4th dungeon, which honestly isn't asking much from such a short game (25 hours at the longest).

Are you sick of boring, cliche trope characters? Please play this game then. None of the characters are what they seem at first. They for the most part have pretty intense and oftentimes relatable baggage, and the "villains" are all incredibly sympathetic.

It's always worth noting that Tadashi Satomi was the writer for this game, if you are or have ever been a fan of Persona that name should mean something to you (he INVENTED the franchise). I can't recommend the game enough honestly.