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Most disappointing game I’ve ever played. The original is so good so it was hard for me not to have super high expectations, and I just couldn’t keep playing. Gameplay feels so clunky and the parkour is ok. The story and characters were so uninteresting I lost all motivation to play. At least it’s pretty and the parkour isn’t terrible.

It’s a tower defense game, but it’s a really solid tower defense game.

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I heard you like games, so I put games in your game!

This game is fun, that’s it. Incredibly broken and fundamentally flawed, but I put 200 hours into it without really caring.

A man stares into an icy reflection. What looks back is an expression. It’s one of pain, love, liquor, and Disco!

They’ve caught up with him again. Never as far as the bottle or a chilly hostel mirror. The truces, tricks, and tequila sunsets have only caused more pain.

His face isn’t his. The man across the barrier cuts his mind. A million tiny frigid fragments that are never coming together again.

Trying to pick up the pieces makes his fingers bleed. Each one a reminder of another million failures.

Their cold hands reach out to pull him in again, but he steps back. The next life awaits. This one with fewer mistakes.

Easily one of the best survival games I’ve ever played. Addicted as I review it now, can’t wait to try out the DLC.

Mid as hell. DLC is super hit or miss, New Vegas clears sadly.

I love the Fallout series, but it’s definitely frustrating being a fan these days. This game stands as a reminder of what Fallout should be. It’s a beautifully made piece of art that’s so fun to play. The graphics get more dated every year yet it’s still gorgeous to me, and it’s in a close second for the best DLC in any game ever. Play it, then play the other games (they’re fun too). This one stands out though.

I'm literally Johnny Silverhand

I'm literally Johnny Silverhand (and also a secret agent)