'boomer shooter' is a fittingly low self-esteem term for whatever washed up impersonator garbage the kids are playing, overseen by a fratbro with a forehead dent and his harem of diaper fetishists. i'm too busy playing 'intelligentsia shooters' instead, you shouldn't settle for less in life either

the maze soundtrack proves that it is only a fluke when remedy ever comes close to making a good game

why wouldn't a community patch for build 2571 suffice over all of these highly dubious mods and tcs?

shadows addon is closest to ogs as it realistically would have released, is what i would recommend most over similar recreation attempts but remains lacking from the author's own inclusions

went into a far worse self-confused direction following the new blood partnership. how did that happen? 'budget doom eternal' meme forcing

the closest i'll get to hecatomb. bewilderingly misadvertised

perhaps the worst optimized pc game in recorded history. best balanced version of lod

Really love Activision's offering on the multiplayer Military First Person Shooter market. Amazing product, arrived with no defects. Just what I wanted.

out of the ruthless pr battle between oblivion and gothic 3, two worlds would come as the better game

think about it this way: some of bioware has been ex-black isle, so if bgs makes f3 a carbon copy of the licensed bioware game sw:kotor [including the absolute minutia like manchild dialogue options], then it very plausibly passes as what black isle would have done for f3

may the earth rest with its full weight on whoever coded missle splash damage

straferunning is too great of a sacrifice for... what tangible benefit, exactly?