Pixelbob Retropants looks like an NFT. Weird to think this was your substitute for no WarioWare on Nintendo 3DS for 8 whole years. Thanks Wayforward…

After not liking either Tekken or Tekken 2, it felt good to leave Tekken 3 satisfied with what it has to offer. Looks great, sounds alright, but most importantly it plays solid. I dig it, might look to practice this one whenever I want to versus someone that isn't Pocket Fighter.


Haha real funny Bluepoint Games, you didn’t make me get stuck in a room for 20 minutes because I couldn’t see the door because of the low brightness! Great early PS2 game, even has PlayStation Vita Remote Play support if you want a true challenge. I miss her…

Definitely dig more Sonic Rush inspired fan games, as I wish the series would have continued on the Nintendo Switch or modern consoles. I feel this game takes a little too much inspiration from Sonic VS. Darkness, to where there's not much of an identity of its own. It looks good and is fun to play, sadly there isn't any original music as far as I can recall. I hope that Sonic Dimensions is able to find something that makes it a unique fan game in the future.

I can see the graphical leap in PaRappa 2, but the original despite being worse to play is a much more memorable experience. Plot is a little weird, though doesn’t leave much of an impression by the end. I do love the loading screen, and they say these things should be removed or are boring…

The bullets come horizontally instead of vertically. That’s about all what I can remember of Progear tbh. Shame the volume is so low on the Capcom Arcade Stadium port, barely could hear anything while playing.

For those wanting a Sonic Rush 4 (5 if you want to count Sonic Generations for 3DS), check out this game! It's only 2 zones as of now with Sonic & Shadow, but damn I want to play more of this if it was complete. Excellent spritework, upbeat soundtrack, pretty good level design, I'm keeping my eyes on this project.

Watchmojo’s Top 10 Lost Video Games That Were Found! Why they gotta limit continues via game difficulties like that? I just wanted to finish the game with my younger brother and oh no we ran out of continues!!! It’s an okay 2D platformer, but leaves a lot to be desired, especially coming from the Wonder Boy studio. No proper ESRB physical in North America which is LAME, but I don’t think I’d want to spend a lot of cash on this game to begin…

A work of art in the purest form, from the prerendered backgrounds, 3D character models, and atmospheric noises while exploring, wish it was available in English.

The swan-song of the Nintendo Wii implements free-flying exploration & action, gorgeous visuals, interactive dialogue, and simple yet intuitive controls, if the localization team did a subpar job.

I'm a bit confused as to how Espgaluda works tbh. One of the strangest shooting games I ever played, from its aesthetics to its gameplay mechanics. I'll definitely have to look into this one further, but as of now it's alright. Even has a sequel so that means it did good enough at the time.

A great action platformer with tight combat, smooth movements, and nice 2D sprites on 3D backgrounds, but ends incredibly quickly to leave much of an impression afterwards.

Fun game, takes a lot of the quality of life improvements from Elite Beat Agents and goes back to the Ouendan style of the original. However, I found the soundtrack and stories much weaker than either previous entry, which is unfortunate. Elite Beat Agents without the Material Girl…

As someone who was an iPad kid back then, the game is fun. -Reggie Fils-Aimé

Mobile games should definitely learn from Sonic Dream Team, talk about a genuine surprise for the series and 2023 games as a whole! Vibrant graphics, addictive pick-up and play gameplay, decent soundtrack, and a title truly made from the ground-up for mobile devices. It's rare we see many great mobile games in a post gacha world, but some gems from Netflix games & Apple Arcade prove there is a market for proper console quality games without microtransactions.