As someone who was an iPad kid back then, the game is fun. -Reggie Fils-Aimé

Whatever sauce Naughty Dog used on this game is pretty weak in flavor. It didn’t leave much of a good impression and whenever it tried to do something new or unique, it fell flat in its execution. It is quite a good looking game though, definitely top 10 for the PlayStation console as a whole. Will The Last of Us Part III be the best 3rd entry in Naughty Dog’s works???

The swan-song of the Nintendo Wii implements free-flying exploration & action, gorgeous visuals, interactive dialogue, and simple yet intuitive controls, if the localization team did a subpar job.

The campaign is the main highlight I found in Splatoon 3. All the new changes added to the multiplayer I didn’t click with much. Map design feels too cramped, Tri Color Battle is a mess, and the 2 new weapons aren’t that fun to play. It seems the campaign was inspired by the Octo Expansion, which I probably should check out in the future. I think I would have been okay if Splatoon 2 was the only entry on the Switch tbh. Still a fun addition to the Switch library to play with friends!

If this is the last WarioWare game made, what a low note to end it on. Even playing co-op, it wasn’t that fun and the minigames feel hampered by the all characters gimmick. Thankfully we will get a new Rhythm Heaven game right, rightttttttt?

Fun game, takes a lot of the quality of life improvements from Elite Beat Agents and goes back to the Ouendan style of the original. However, I found the soundtrack and stories much weaker than either previous entry, which is unfortunate. Elite Beat Agents without the Material Girl…

While it is still Jumping Flash! at heart, it does not leave as much as an impression the second time around. Been there, done that, died here, fell off there, it is more or less the same game as the original with some minor quality of life improvements. Robbit is able to take a shower tho…

The Nintendo game they DON’T want you to play! (1984) I appreciate its early arcade game design that the original Famicom would define itself, but I feel Pac-Man’s simplicity work against this title. Tamagon is a cute Nintendo friend tho…

A work of art that showcases the power and style from SEGA's Smilebit team.

Sonic Team's experience from Sonic Jam, NiGHTS into dreams..., and Burning Rangers bring together this absolute banger of a game...that shows its age yet has a fascinating atmosphere.

(Finished on Normal mode with Type A on [double digit] credits) Ehhhhh I didn't jive with this shooting game that much. It gets a bit too much brutal for my liking and the aesthetics don't appeal to me. The laser mechanic is cool, but I don't see myself wanting to replay DonPachi in the future. Good effort coming from Cave, but definitely better out there I bet.

I'm a bit confused as to how Espgaluda works tbh. One of the strangest shooting games I ever played, from its aesthetics to its gameplay mechanics. I'll definitely have to look into this one further, but as of now it's alright. Even has a sequel so that means it did good enough at the time.

A subpar action game with basic to terrible puzzles, annoying QTEs/button mashing moments, and mindless combat that only encourages spammy tactics for hordes of enemies.

Kinda disappointed with this Tengo Project title ngl. While I do think The Ninja Saviors has some fun bits and decent depth, it got tiring fast and the final boss was annoying. I can’t imagine multiplayer being better when Tengo is infamous for having awful co-op mechanics. I do look forward to their next project despite not liking this game.

Weirdly buggy game, and I’m not talking about spiders nor Spider-Man. Regardless of that, I love seeing the Harlem side of New York in this game. Also Peter’s new model sucksssssssssssss!!!