If you 1CC this game, click here for a surprise! One of the most difficult games I have ever played, I don't know how people master how insane Saidaioujou goes. Too bad playing it is a bit of a pain, thanks CAVE!

Love at first sight would be what grabbed my interest in Genji and I am so glad that the game delivered from start to finish. An action rpg that combines stylish action combat from former Onimusha staff with RPG mechanics for newcomers & veterans to experiment in these fearous battles. Gorgeous next gen visuals, lovely instrumental sounds and thrilling bosses make Genji: Dawn of the Samurai the strongest first impression from new studio GameRepublic then and now.
It’s a shame Genji 2 throws pretty much all of that out of the window. Giant enemy crab aside, it truly is a bummer that next gen Genji did not deliver. However, Genji: Dawn of the Samurai is 100% worth a play if you have the means to acquire it. It deserves to be on the PS4 and PS5 so that millions can experience one of the best action games of all time. Thank you GameRepublic, JapanStudio, and Sony Interactive Entertainment for making this wonderful hidden gem!

Compared to the other DonPachi games, the (mobile) OST and mega laser mechanic make me enjoy and remember this title. I have heard the arcade OST and I didn’t like hearing it much, but the mobile OST is a banger. It truly feels like a bullet hell in this game, yet so satisfying to shoot the giant mega laser back at enemies & bosses. Best Apple Arcade game that isn’t exclusive!

I can see the graphical leap in PaRappa 2, but the original despite being worse to play is a much more memorable experience. Plot is a little weird, though doesn’t leave much of an impression by the end. I do love the loading screen, and they say these things should be removed or are boring…

Kinda disappointed with this Tengo Project title ngl. While I do think The Ninja Saviors has some fun bits and decent depth, it got tiring fast and the final boss was annoying. I can’t imagine multiplayer being better when Tengo is infamous for having awful co-op mechanics. I do look forward to their next project despite not liking this game.

Finally it’s over! Talk about ups & downs in regards to these waves of tracks. While I’m glad that we see many old tracks return along with some new tracks too, some were clearly better than others. So that means we can get a new Mario Kart game right?

My favorite of the DS Sonic games by Dimps. It fixes a lot of the issues I have with Rush & Rush Adventure as well as puts its own spin from the Wii counterpart. It's a shame Generations & Lost World 3DS don't come as close to goodness as Colors DS did.

No idea how ANYONE can play this game with a Dreamcast controller! Doing the special moves proved to be such a pain alongside the brutal difficulty spike even on the default settings. Regardless, Project Justice can be a fun game, though personally I prefer the original. Aesthetically vibe with everything that game over this one, but it's not a bad choice for Dreamcast fighters.

The bullets come horizontally instead of vertically. That’s about all what I can remember of Progear tbh. Shame the volume is so low on the Capcom Arcade Stadium port, barely could hear anything while playing.

Pac-Pix represents one of the most unique games in the Pac-Man series and a good showcase early in the Nintendo DS’s lifespan. It is these simple, pick up and play titles that made the DS at launch an eye catching handheld from the console style games that the Game Boy Advance & PlayStation Portable brought to the table. It’s a cute game that gradually adds new ways to draw, chomp, and guide Pac-Man through this book adventure.
I feel that people tend to forget that early DS had a handful of mobile style games sold at retail price. It’s what seemingly along repetition that made Pac-Pix get bashed by critics then and even nowadays. To me, in its hour and a half runtime, Pac-Pix sets out to showcase everything it needs to do with a creative artifact aesthetic, bubbly soundtrack, and a fun game that only was possible on the Nintendo DS. Woah that’s a big Pac-Man you drew there…

Throws teammate at you as the team up attack, I kneel so hard. From the school theming to the intense combos & specials to pull off, I want to master Rival Schools! While other fighting games I usually finish the arcade mode and move on, I 100% want to see everything that this game has to offer. Seems this PlayStation port comes with a bonus disc, let me see what this has to offer... (to be continued)

I’m glad that we finally got this cult classic JRPG in the West, but it has so many issues I have that stack up over time. Pathetically easy to weirdly difficult balancing, alright redone OST that should have included the SNES OST too, questionable localization at times, and some elements truly show its SNES era of design. Despite these problems, Live A Live is pretty cool, especially as someone who doesn’t enjoy Octopath Traveler that much. Middle Ages chapter is the best story in a JRPG I ever experience. Never kneeled so hard in my RPG journey…

Probably the most underrated Sony published PS Vita exclusive out there, even Soul Sacrifice Delta & Freedom Wars have a cult following. Effectively utilizes the PS Vita’s features in creative ways, always was surprised to see how far their ideas worked well on the handheld. Looks fantastic as well, I wish Bayonetta Origins was more like this than the dual character & explorative system that it accomplishes. Murasaki Baby truly does feel like a game made specifically for the handheld it is tailored for, which is pretty much a dead form of art as of now…

"Man, I wish Ape Escape 4 was real and had a unique mechanic that distinguished itself from the rest of the series. I especially love those funny monkeys in the game, so it would perfect if I could just play as them."

Ape Escape: Monkey Master Moves: https://tenor.com/view/mercy-overwatch-come-here-gif-14280244

I'm a bit confused as to how Espgaluda works tbh. One of the strangest shooting games I ever played, from its aesthetics to its gameplay mechanics. I'll definitely have to look into this one further, but as of now it's alright. Even has a sequel so that means it did good enough at the time.