(Finished on Normal mode with Type A and 6 credits) Hmmmm, I don't think I enjoy this shooting game either. I can see improvements from DonPachi, but the difficulty still feels way too high for my liking, especially the bosses. I believe the Saturn & PS1 ports also run faster than the original arcade version, which is a shame. Also aesthetically and musically it didn't leave much of an impression. Rather disappointed to be honest, but hopefully the rest of Cave's offerings will be better.

I don’t think I want to finish this game. I have put Tears down multiple times and anytime I pick it back up, I just don’t enjoy playing the game much. Leaves me concerned for the future of the series and open world games as a whole.

(Finished on Normal mode with Type A on [double digit] credits) Ehhhhh I didn't jive with this shooting game that much. It gets a bit too much brutal for my liking and the aesthetics don't appeal to me. The laser mechanic is cool, but I don't see myself wanting to replay DonPachi in the future. Good effort coming from Cave, but definitely better out there I bet.

(Finished on Normal mode with Type-B and 5 credits hahaha...) For what is considered the first proper bullet hell shooting game, Batsugun is an adrenaline-pumping experience that I would want to master in the future. I struggled with the original version, so I tried this one instead and I can say that I will hopefully complete Batsugun with my skills learnt here. It's short enough where I feel encouraged to do it, I just need a LOT of practice moving forward.

Pixelbob Retropants looks like an NFT. Weird to think this was your substitute for no WarioWare on Nintendo 3DS for 8 whole years. Thanks Wayforward…

Wow, they went all out on this game and it is quite the enjoyable ride! Soundtrack is incredible, visuals are pretty fire (if a little crowded at times), and the bosses were so unique and amusing to fight. Level design does need some work, but what’s here is entertaining and lovely to look at. With how disappointing Sonic Origins Plus has turned out, Fallen Star is a nice reminder of why I enjoy this series in the first place.

Definitely dig more Sonic Rush inspired fan games, as I wish the series would have continued on the Nintendo Switch or modern consoles. I feel this game takes a little too much inspiration from Sonic VS. Darkness, to where there's not much of an identity of its own. It looks good and is fun to play, sadly there isn't any original music as far as I can recall. I hope that Sonic Dimensions is able to find something that makes it a unique fan game in the future.

Quite a nice looking game, hopefully they tidy up the controls in the future. I'm excited to see how this will fare up once it's finished, especially with Super Mario Bros Wonder coming soon.

For those wanting a Sonic Rush 4 (5 if you want to count Sonic Generations for 3DS), check out this game! It's only 2 zones as of now with Sonic & Shadow, but damn I want to play more of this if it was complete. Excellent spritework, upbeat soundtrack, pretty good level design, I'm keeping my eyes on this project.

After not liking either Tekken or Tekken 2, it felt good to leave Tekken 3 satisfied with what it has to offer. Looks great, sounds alright, but most importantly it plays solid. I dig it, might look to practice this one whenever I want to versus someone that isn't Pocket Fighter.

Between this, Genji: Dawn of the Samurai and Wild ARMs 5, JapanStudio's late era PS2 titles showcased an unprecedented budget and mastery of the PlayStation 2 hardware as the PS3 was out on the market. The attractive maps to explore, upbeat soundtrack, and even more aggressive monkeys push Ape Escape 3 beyond what its sequel was able to achieve early into the PS2's life. The movie theming is humorous, though the monkey names didn't make it through the localization process well.

It's a shame that Ape Escape 4 never happened, but I am not sure what JapanStudio could have done as the PlayStation 3 crippled them permanently. I hope that one day, we learn what that Ape Escape tease was for the 20th anniversary alongside their canned project after Gravity Rush 2. Also thanks Konami for making sure this game never gets rereleased...

Whatever sauce Naughty Dog used on this game is pretty weak in flavor. It didn’t leave much of a good impression and whenever it tried to do something new or unique, it fell flat in its execution. It is quite a good looking game though, definitely top 10 for the PlayStation console as a whole. Will The Last of Us Part III be the best 3rd entry in Naughty Dog’s works???

Didn't like the writing much and while I enjoyed the puzzles for a bit, by the halfway point I just wanted the game to end. Thankfully the game is quite short, despite my efforts to back away from it. The sequel seems to be even longer and has that co-op aspect, so I'm probably not going to play it anytime soon, or ever to be honest...

Finished Asaru's campaign and it was quite an enjoyable experience. The rumble feedback elevated the intense action and combos, it has some incredible weight to each hit! Story and characters were passable, but the combo potential and high skill ceiling make me want to try Amelia's campaign in the future. Pretty impressive coming from just a solo developer!

While Feel the Magic: XY/XX does have a cult following thanks to its wacky aesthetics and being a Nintendo DS launch, it seems The Rub Rabbits doesn’t get as much recognition as the original game. It’s a fantastic prequel, full of that whimsical rabbit charm from Sonic Team and fixes the rough spots that made the original a challenging experience. Now with holding the Nintendo DS sideways and upside down, your relationship with the handheld has never felt so close to comfort.

I adore both games in this series, and I wish they would have continued them on the Nintendo 3DS or mobile devices. SEGA tends to reference the series every single year, from songs appearing in music compilations, Rhythm Thief, merchandise and their own live concert. Rub truly is love ❤️