There are so many small things that add up to make this a great game. A deck builder where you just add cards throughout your run, rather than building it from the start. Being able to see your enemies move before making a decisions. Powerful upgrades that often come with a trade off. Quick battles that really suck you into that 'one more go' gameplay. Different characters, all playing totally different styles.

It's great! So much variety and strategy. You continue to learn without the game explicitly telling you what to do. You know when a run is going to be good. You can feel it a few fights in, building your deck around one or two powerful cards. Such a good feeling.

Sadly it is also brought down by the very nature of roguelike games. You can be battling through, clingly onto every inch of health but still not make any progress. Starting again can feel so painful when you know you're on a good run, but undone by one type of enemy or debuff. It's a hard game, and better for it. Just wish I didn't feel such disappointment, and sometimes even anger at myself, when I eventually fall to an elite enemy.

Definitely a game worth everyone's time, but if you don't like the rinse and repeat or roguelikes then you won't enjoy this.

The music and art style really saved this for me. Perfectly pleasant, if slightly boring, puzzle game where you plod through the brain chasing away nightmares. There is some combat but nothing to shout about and the story is a simple affair.

Overall it's a nice indie that doesn't break the mould but was enjoyable enough.

The first full campaign but enough for me to make a rating.

Really great remaster of a classic game. It's nice to be able to revisit this with a beautiful art style and some very small tweaks to make it more palatable for today's standards. The ability to fast forward through battles and "quick save" wherever you are in the dungeon made this easily accessible on my phone.

I would say that this is still an old game in every other sense of the world. Everything is incredibly opaque, very little direction and not much story compared to more modern entries. But as a fan of the series it's been great to go back and see where it all started. Especially some nods that Final Fantasy XIV have included! Would recommend for fans of the series, but beyond that it's still a tough, old school JRPG which isn't for everyone.

Another beautiful Far game! I love these games and I think this is another great adventure with brilliant set pieces and puzzles. I don't think the music is quite as good this time around, and the ship isn't quite as enjoyable to captain as the lumbering truck from Lone Sails. Still it's well worth your time as a standalone game, but I would recommend aying Lone Sails first.

Game didn't save my progress so not willing to start again


Cat people need to have a good look at themselves for giving this anything more than a 7/10.

Ace Attorney: amazing cases with some incredible pay offs. Characters are all excellent and you get to call a bird to the stand! Cases can go on too long though and 3 days of investigation is just too much 4/5

Justice for All: another great entry, but with fairly forgettable cases. The circus is easily the highlight but the new prosecutor just isn't up to Edgeworth's standards. 3.5/5

Trials and Tribulations: the last entry is fantastic from start to finish. The pay off from 3 games worth of cases is just sublime and all the characters get their moments to shine. 4.5/5

Some beautiful art and music but let down but some frustrating level design. A lot of the difficulty comes down to waiting for an opening somewhere, then rushing into an unknown area. There is really value there to get all the collectables but I didn't have an urge to go back after credits rolled.

Another interesting game you can get with your Netflix subscription. Lovely art style and surprisingly heartfelt story to go with it. The battles are centered around basically playing dodgeball against a series of enemies. Each one is like small puzzle boxes where you soon learn the best way to deflect shots and keep the upper hand.

I'm not convinced the roguelike elements worked that well. While you get better abilities etc, the opening chapters start to feel like a real drag if you end up back at the beginning. Still, worth a go if you already have Netflix!

Wasn't a big fan of the setting or most of the characters in this outing, but it's one of the best in terms of the formula they've been trying to better each game. The choices you make build a personality for each character, and seeing that then play out later in the game in unexpected ways was really cool. You can still sometimes see the cogs turning in the background, but it's easily the best and most interesting version of this series.

Excellent card battler. There is no one meta or card to follow owing to each match being randomised with board modifiers. What works brilliantly in one match could be a struggle in the next. Plenty of tactics and deck make ups to keep things interesting as well with satisfying upgrades and generous unlocks. The micro transactions aren't intrusive and the daily challenges make the short bursts each day more enjoyable. Definitely one of the best free to play games out there and worth a go, even if just for the free tutorial season pass.

Great boss design, music and fights. Perfect accompaniment to a delicious main course.

Too much talking, not enough God killing! Honestly felt like they could have cut 10 hours out of this and it would have been just as impactful. A great game, not a brilliant one.

Weapons make big numbers and makes me feel good. Great game