30 minute long levels
Gyroscope special stages
I refuse to elaborate

The translated rom for this is the sole reason I love searching for games that are hidden gems.

This game is somehow both the perfect shitpost and unironically fantastic gameplay-wise. The fakemon here, despite how memey they can be, have some of the most fun playstyles I've seen out of a Pokemon roster (shoutouts to Mozzamazel for being a Fairy Fire tank that can learn Water Absorb).

I might be one of the only people who remembers this game and got it Day 1 on release. I mostly played the P&DZ version since that one's mechanically better than the Mario version. This game is pretty underrated, I like its monster roster.

The only reason I got this pile of shit was because I was a fan of Tenkai Knights as a kid. Shoutouts to anyone who remembers this show from Cartoon Network, it went hard as fuck.

This is worth playing for Stocke alone because he is the type of man who turns what would normally be a 70 hour RPG into a 35 hour one

This was T H E U L T I M A T E E X P E R I E N C E

Eltnum's awesome but free her from this game, let her go to Melty Blood

10/10 S Tier game, it has Ryougi Shiki

Watch Garden of Sinners

Fun fact: Every fan of this game has Stockholm Syndrome

Where the fuck is the Switch port, MonolithSoft

This game runs like ass on the Switch and I found it to be one of my favorite Metroidvanias. I can't wait to replay this on better hardware.

Whenever a friend of yours wants to get a Pokemon game on the Switch, just point them to this instead. You will have them play this real man's monster collector.

Fun fact: my username used to just be the name of this game. Then after a lot of revisions, I just combined it with the name of my favorite franchise, Megaten, to create the name Okaten.

Oh, also, this game clears sex every day of the week.

Farewell, good hunter. May you find your worth in the waking world...