69 reviews liked by OmBom

this and other minecraft modpacks are like fucking crack for my brain. I actually have to be careful and set timers when I play them or my whole day will be gone. and when I exit the game I have a lingering desire to start it back up that I have to supress, even if I rage quit. Do not play this if you're like me, you have been warned

If you couldn't tell already by my name and PFP, I fucking ADORE the Mega Man franchise. It is without a doubt my favorite THING of all time, and while I may not have played every game in the series, the ones I have played are enough to win me over immensely.

However, with that being said, I can take off my love goggles for a second and see that for the original Mega Man has aged a lot, especially after 30 years. It is the first in the series I have played, so I do have a bit of a soft spot for it, and I do love the game, but regardless, it has problems.

The story, if you even know what it is, is simple, and it gets you excited, the graphics are pretty good, the music is very catchy and iconic, the control is pretty good, except for your somewhat slippery movement, the gameplay is fun as fuck and addicting, and the ending is simple, but nice.

However, it has a lot of issues. The level design is very poor, especially compared to later entries, the enemy placement is obnoxious, the special weapons, with a few exceptions, aren't really that useful outside of bosses, the bosses themselves range from being pathetically easy to ridiculously hard, some of the enemies are just a pain, and THAT FUCKING COVER ART. At least in the US, it is hilariously awful.

Nonetheless, like I said earlier, it was the first Mega Man game I ever played, and it does hold a special place in my heart, so I'll give it a higher rating then it deserves.

Overall, while it may not be perfect by any means, this game is still really fun and addicting to this day, and it was the wonderful start to my favorite franchise of all time.

Game #18

brutal difficulty at first, but once I was a few days in i had a safety net of supplies to rely on. still, i cannot stress how under the wire it felt, with my hunger always seemingly being in the red.

progress is slow and navigating without running is painful. i consider this a feature not a bug but my god i feel like i spend most my time running back to camp while keith complains about how tired he is. gameplay loop would get me addicted for a few hours but then i'd run out of inventory space or do furniture crafting and be completlely pulled out of The Zone.

it's very interesting how this game treats interactions with Skye as a kind of wife raising sim- she has zero agency and it feels like caring for a baby at times. i'm sure this is the desired effect for the straight guys this game was made for but i found it a mixture of funny and terrifyingly anti-feminist.

that said, the mechanic of guiding her and the little slap of hand on hand as you pull her up a log, to be deeply tender and a highlight of the game for me.

"It's only 43 hours! 43 hours is not that much!"
I say that while proudly showing my badge with "43 wasted hours" engraved on it

keiji inafune being personally responsible for sabotaging every single pillar of the 3D beat-em-up genre is so crazy, bro gave ninja gaiden the blades of chaos and detective vision after screwing over kamiya, mikami, and itsuno like he was a time traveler trying to prevent some disaster caused by neurotypical people being able to enjoy these fucking things

a cute example of the "cinematic puzzle platformer", where the solutions are always within reach so you just smoothly progress through the scenario, similar to playdead's games. the only thing bringing down the pacing is that noobow is too slow... i love seeing the lil guy walk but you gotta speed up a bit buddy

kamige. having campaigned to get this on backloggd for months now, i am pleased that at least one of the sex kitten games made its way on here!! isn't my favourite of the series, but 2000s lolrandom edgy humor combined with stolen anime art is my favourite niche slice of internet nostalgia (ew).

this is objectively awful but idc idc idc it reminds me of my weird horrible disgusting childhood.

your takeaway from this review should be to never let your child on newgrounds.

velbearan is so based for adding this.. everyone say thank you

Not as good as the original but it's a fucking monster of it's own. I just don't like the addition of the wild bosses, would like to have the option to turn them off in a Nuzlocke. Has it's share of bugs but you can't complain when there's so much content added to the game.

There is not much to say for a MMO that launched nearly six months after World of Warcraft except that you quickly learned how to appreciate the time that you had with that game. The Matrix Online launched in what most would consider to be the "golden era" of MMORPGs, and it was a refreshing twist on a genre that was primarily dominated by fantasy settings. Create your idealistic "residual self image" avatar, choose between an arsenal of firearms, martial arts styles, and hacking, and jack into the digital world of The Matrix. Combat was incredibly clunky, the world was bland, and the standard quests were ultimately forgettable, but The Matrix Online's story was the game's true selling point. Taking place after the events of The Matrix Revolutions, The Matrix Online would continue the story of the film series in an innovative way: a developer-lead story team would craft the game's story in real time, playing as characters from the movies in the games (such as Morpheus, and Seraph), and allow players to interact with them, and directly influence which direction the story would go. This care and appreciation for the lore of the movies, partly thanks to the involvement of the Wachowski sisters for a good portion of the game's run, created a world that allowed fans of the cyberpunk series and MMO roleplayers to coexist and create a breathing, dynamic world. The Matrix Online would eventually shut down in 2009 due to dwindling player numbers, sharing the fate of many MMOs that came before, and after, World of Warcraft. More than a decade later, no other online game has come close to presenting a licensed world in the way that The Matrix Online had done so all those years ago.

This romhack has some features and overall region direction that would put it in the upper tier of Pokemon romhacks ever if it wasn't the most reddit fucking thing on the planet. Like, even during early stages of this romhack's development, the humor felt decrepit. It isn't even a thing I can suggest you play through and just ignore the unfunny parts, because so much of this game's design is baked into "isn't rickrolling someone funny?"

People have complained that it's offensive and in bad taste, and they're right to do so. I also like Deadly Premonition 2, and that game makes JK Rowling look like Leslie Feinberg. If it's funny, I'll bite. None of the jokes in this humorous romhack land. There isn't a "Oh, if they just went back to the drawing board, this might not have been a total shitshow", because that would imply a 2016 /vp/ could come up with a better bit than "what if we replaced the gym leader's battle theme with sandstorm". So much collective effort and time went into a project that probably never stood a chance.