I have no words..... the most immersive and heartgripping world you will ever be apart of.

Honestly, coming back to a title I spent so much time on in my youth, Borderlands 1 has absolutely nothing to say in terms of gameplay and quests. The game is absolutely caked on with fetch quest after fetch quest that barely keep you engaged with it's outdated humor, well at least not as outdated as it's sequel. The enhanced edition also brings much more issues to the game then fixes and upgrades as Gearbox STILL hasn't fixed the games memory leak and has made multiplayer almost near unplayable with lag and horrid desync issues. It leaves a bad taste in my mouth as a longtime fan that this is what replaced the original on the steam listing, making fans have to relive one of their favorite games in a worse quality remaster.

One thing that Borderlands 1 does extremely well is it's incredible atmosphere of Pandora's wasteland and the hopelessness that comes with its environment of bloodthirsty bandits and treasure hunters. The story is also pretty captivating with the buildup to whether or not the vault actually exists in the first place, as well as what can be inside of it.

Overall the game isn't bad, but more of a extremely mediocre fps story game. If you're looking for a fun coop experience, there is much better out there than this. If you still want to scratch that Borderlands itch with your buds I would much more steer your attention towards Borderlands 3, or even 2.

Best of the trilogy. The Arbitor is an amazing character and getting to fight with him alongside Master Chief is some of the most hype gameplay I've gotten to be apart of.

Jesus those flood levels are long and frustrating. Story is much more cheesy than I remember too, but still a legendary game.

I'd give this wonderful platformer 5 stars if the camera controls weren't occasionally jarring and some of the enemies weren't insufferable to kill (I'm looking at you attack frogs)

I think Hello Games has definitely redeemed themselves with the constant updates, but man do I wish this game had a sliver of polish to it.

Bugs run extremely rampant, from sentinel waves in multiplayer down to main story mission wavepoints just.... not working. The amount of bugs present in current build is too much I didn't know where to start with reporting them. There was a time I had to take a break because of how annoying base building bugs were when parts of my base would just DISAPPEAR.

One other criticism that I have with NMS is that Hello Games has their hands in a lot of cookie jars (those jars being features to the game) with absolutely no depth to any of them. Combat is about as deep as a 1 inch pond, and it gets boring reallllyyyy fast fighting sentinels over....and over....and over. Exocrafts are all pretty much the same except for the Minotaur, as well as the Nautiloid, ALSO both riddled with bugs that make you hesitant to use them. Quests at the space station are sooooo repetitive it makes me not want to pick any of them, and the level difference of the quests mean pretty much nothing.

I think No Man Sky is heading towards a great direction at this pace if HG keeps up with these updates that keep adding content, but please I beg of you, expand on the systems and functions you already have within the game. AND FOR GODS SAKE FIX GAME BREAKING BUGS, IM TIRED OF SPAWNING IN SPACE AND DYING.

The best Mario Kart to ever be created. Unlockable characters and stages, as well as some of the best Mario Kart maps to date, I simply don't understand why Nintendo would stray away from the mechanics that were created from this masterpiece of a game. The two character system gives more customization and adds slight preference percentages to items given to the player, making BUILDS, MARIOKART BUILDS A THING. Mini Turbo usage is a skill that can adds even more mastering of the game and trumps the sad excuse of turbos in the current installments. The soundtrack is beautiful, the roster of characters was huge for its time, and the controls are like butter. I don't think Nintendo will ever top a Mario Kart game such as this one.

I think for what this game does, it does well. Obviously the graphics are shit and can be mistake for more android shovelware but the game has surprisingly more depth than most horror games that server you jumpscare after jumpscare while the rest of the game is a walking sim. Good job Granny.

What a fantastic way to retouch the souls series in a modern light, as well as put a perfect closing to one of the best trilogies of video games to ever exist. Sister Friede is the best boss fight in any of the 3 souls, fite me nerds.

BOOOORRRINNNGGG OH MY GOD. I don't know what I missed that everyone sees with this game. I love SuperGiant's works but this one? The gameplay is so jarring and slow, Red's anonymous boyfriend comes off as a mysterious fedora wearing edgelord, and the big bads are so boring and pose the same amount of a threat as regular enemies except for the final boss. Left a bad taste in my mouth trying to keep my perfect trophy streak on my PSN account.

I guess you can really call this the first open world game there is out there and for its time, The Legend of Zelda holds up relatively well. The well crafted map with secrets at every corner, getting small chunks of information from NPCs that don't hold your hand really make you feel like you're on a magical journey. My only gripe I can say I have with this game are some of the enemies and level designs in the dungeons that force you to get swarmed and hit-punched 20 times before you can hit anything, otherwise this game is a masterpiece.

I haven't played this polished of a side scroller since Celeste and MAN do I love it. The Messenger has a pretty compelling story with likeable, quirky characters and amazingly fluid combat that will feel even better in the hands of someone who has gotten a hang of it. The DLC "Picnic Panic" also is a lovely add-on to the game and scratches the itch of emptiness I had once I completed the base game. 10/10

Me yelling at my friends to play better simulator

The best game I have ever played. Fantastic storytelling, gameplay and the best soundtrack to a game that I will ever play.