Last played this game on 2016 so my review is probably outdated and irrelevant. I remember learning about this game's premise and being super into it. Played for about 10 hours but still didn't manage to have any fun, mostly frustration. Also, I played with friends, so I can only assume this game is worse alone.

Reviewing this game without the DLC included. Cuphead has an incredible design and unique style that definitely makes it stand out. Really enjoyable and crisp movement, fun music which fits the hand-drawn animation style. I can only imagine how much work and love went into this game. However, I have some problems that will not allow me to rate this game 5/5 stars. First of all, I believe this game is not as hard as it could be. Don't get me wrong, it is not an easy game, but I don't think my skills are much above average, and I beat the whole game in 8 hours. I think more drawn out battles with more complex bosses would do the trick for me, but I accept the fact that maybe I am asking for too much content. My second problem with the game is the foreground, which on multiple occasions blocked my view and forced me to take damage, which I think is inexcusable. This problem also happened in the DLC, but only on one occasion. Still, I am a little disappointed that Studio MDHR didn't address this problem in the DLC, almost 5 years later.

I gave the DLC a lower rating than the base game for a single reason: I believe that, after 5 years of the game being released and tons of players putting multiple hours into the base game, the DLC would have somewhat increased difficulty compared to the first three isles. However this is not the case. I managed to beat the DLC in less than 5 hours (which is not that fast, but I am not much better than the average player), and I can only imagine the disappointment of more invested players than myself, who probably beat it in even less time. For reference, I beat the final boss hitless after about 10 tries. I know that maybe I am asking for much more than we actually deserve, but so much love and work has been put into this game that I just have to imagine what could have been. Nonetheless, the DLC is still well put together, with incredible animation and music. It is definitely worth the buy, but i have to subtract one star out of five for the reasons listed above.

I am not a Dark Souls fan, I believe the games to be too hard to be enjoyable. Still I don't think it needs an "easy mode", I just believe it is a niche series for a particular group of people which I am not a part of.

This game has an incredible setting and atmosphere, which is further reinforced by the voice acting of the Narrator. However, the difficulty of this game is not enjoyable for me, since it requires too much attention so as to not lose literal hours of work in an instant. I think Joseph Anderson put it best when he said something along the lines of "the game achieves perfectly what it set out to do, but it is not a fun experience".

Apparently I played 4 hours of this game. I cannot even remember playing it.

I am not really big on Rogue-like games, but this one grabbed my attention. It sometimes feels more like a puzzle game, when you are trying to solve the puzzle of how to use the dice more efficiently, or which cards to use. Really enjoyable experience, I would recommend this game.

This game does some things really well. Specifically, the worldbuilding and the tone it sets is on point. The narrators voice acting is incredible and the freedom you have as a player is extremely wide. I believe this is not a game for everyone, but if you like dark settings and mystery games, this may be for you.

Interesting concept, but the game failed to engage me on two different occasions when I started a new game. I do not feel the need to return to this game and definitely not sit through it.

I bought this game after a recommendation from a friend. Logged in and had no idea what to expect. The game has a lot going on, you need knowledge to play this game and, from what I can tell, that is the fun part: playing with friends and learning from them, until it is your turn to teach someone. However this did not happen with me. I missed two sessions when my friends logged in and I did not. The next time I played with them, they had progressed so much that I couldn't understand anything going on and they couldn't afford to teach me. Of course none of this is the game's fault, but it was a disappointing experience nonetheless.

Played couple of matches and couldn't really get into it. I am familiar with the MOBA genre, but comparatively League was way easier for new players and it won over Dota 2. That isn't to say it's a better game, just the one that won my attention (and hundreds of hours of playtime).

Just a simple, fun, fast-paced mobile-type game that was interesting to get into. Didn't play for a long time but it was fun while it lasted.

I got this game on PS4, but bought it again on a Steam Sale since I don't own the PS4 anymore. This is the only game I have done this for, and for a good reason. I really enjoy this game's atmosphere, combat and movement. The worldbuilding isn't really unique but it is executed well in my opinion. The side quests are just as interesting as the main quest line and it really kept me coming back for more. The hour count I log is only from steam, so the true playtime of this game for me was probably double that.

This game's impact on the gaming scene is undeniable. To be honest though I never really got into it, even though I played for about 25 hours, which is more than the average game length. I am not questioning this game's quality, but it simply did not get through to me.

Just a short narrative game that took me about 25 minutes to complete. Nothing crazy.