I blinked a lot while playing this game and began to suspect that the developers knew I would be doing it because I was crying.

I did enjoy this game. A lot. I wonder what my neighbors thought when I screamed out, "They use YODA RULES??", three times in a row.


What a great album- I mean video game...yea video game

The case of the golden idol correctly assessed that nothing is creepier that the aristocracy. It's a fantastic setting for a gripping mystery story.

There are no dumber characters than Chai from the game Hi-Fi rush. Brilliant. Art.

Not about Donkey Kong, but very very fun

Beautiful game, it almost feels like cheating to try and make a heart wrenchingly sad game and then make it about World War 1

This one is raw nostalgia, I don't even know if it's good, but it was fun with a pal to play this game. Who doesn't love mario kart when you can yell at your co-pilot?

Play it with a pal so that you can both scream about the sidescroller level and the FUCKING DRAGON

You want this game, you just don't know it

Bug Fables babyyyyyyy it's bug fables, it's great, you're a bug, there's a fable, let's goooooooooo

If you play this game and don't do silly voices for all the characters...??????

?!?!?!?!? why?????

He great bug guy. He jump. He explore.

Racism is not good. Sometimes it's so not good that it causes a kid to be forced into an impossible philosophical question the ramifications of which are beyond our comprehension and the consequences could range from saving the lives of all involved to damning an entire race to an eternity of suffering while others profit scientifically from their labor and nobody does a DAMN THING...

It's beautiful.