this game is a bit miserable. bad stage design and pretty wonky main character physics make this unfun to play and i just kinda gave up

that said, i really want to know how and why this game exists. this is one of the weirdest things in this franchise that i can think of. the fact that the game isnt very fun doesnt take away from how perplexed i am by its existence

Pretty much more of the previous game but better in every way. Super happy I got to play both of these, i've always wanted to, even when I was younger. Wish I got to play this when the multiplayer was still a thing, i'm sure that went hard

The best-worst game I've ever played.

I originally tried beating this last year around the time Xenoblade 3 was announced but I stopped fairly quickly due to me just not really having that much fun. I didn't really understand the mechanics and everything felt like a slog to get through. I shelved the game, but I was pretty sad I didn't really like it. Fast forward a year and a half later one of my friends is in the middle of marathoning the entire Xenoblade franchise, and that inspired me to give this game another try (along with Future Connected in XCDE, which I never got around to finishing either). I learned some tricks on how to make combat less of a nuisance and took some time to understand more of the mechanics and from there I just had a lot more fun. I can happily say I like this game and I don't know if there's one piece of media I'm happy my opinion has changed on more. There's a ton of bullshit in this game, I can't and won't deny that, but I just had a ton of fun and I'm so happy I gave it another chance. Thanks @undertale2enjoye ik you don't really use this website that often but I figured i'd shout you out anyway.

I can't wait to play Xenoblade 3 you don't even know


Peppino is one of the most expressive characters ive seen in anything. pretty sick game worth the hype its gotten

the great banban machine stops for nobody

A bit of a more personal story, if I may.

See, I got this game for my birthday last year. I started playing it around then for the first time and enjoyed my time with it... until I just kinda got stuck. It was around the third area at the start where it isn't exactly obvious what you're supposed to do. What I could uncover were some blocks that I couldn't break at the time, so my mind went "okay, guess I must have missed something back in the previous area, let me go check"

I kinda just proceeded to go in circles around the area until I found something that could help me out. That never really happened. I shelved the game after a session of doing just this. I felt lost and sorta disappointed I couldn't finish it and had no idea what to do. Even more disappointingly, this wasn't even the first time this has happened in a Metroidvania from my experience, hell, even a Metroid game in general. I tried starting Metroid Prime around the time this was announced and got lost, and even before that I couldn't figure out what to do at the beginning of Hollow Knight (though I have heard from friends that it was pretty unclear for them too, so...). Regardless, I was annoyed. I thought this genre just wasn't for me.

Fast forward... like what, a year and a half later? I'm at my friends house (who was the one who bought me the game for my birthday in the first place) and we start talking about this game. I remembered that I did REALLY enjoy what I played and wanted to return to it at some point. Then I just said "...yeah. Sure. Let's try this again." With that, I started anew. I wanted to give it a fair, honest go.

And... it all clicked. What I got stuck on was just a few blocks that I could just break with the standard beam. I was just overcomplicating it. After I found this out, I went through the whole game in a matter of days, and remembered what I enjoyed about it in the first place. The challenging, but fair difficulty. The great level and world design, and the controls. Holy hell the controls in this game are amazing. One of the most smooth feeling games I have played, like, ever?? Insane stuff.

I'm... really happy I got to finish this. I think i'm over my fear of this genre for the most part. I think I get it now. This won't be the last time I visit this series, or a game like this in general. I'd highly recommend this for a first game in this genre, if you're up for a bit of a challenge. Even then, I only played this on normal difficulty. There's an easier difficulty if that isn't your thing. No shame in that.

See you next mission, I guess.

funny how my game of the year is a game from 13 years ago
i believed in the hype and i was not disappointed. this game slaps. great writing, awesome characters, clever but not overly difficult puzzles, theres not really anything this game gets wrong. im very glad this is accessible to infinitely more people now, it deserves to be. give this is a whirl if you can the demo is free and you can transfer your progress to the full game, you have nothing to lose!

wow. I was not expecting the sheer level of investment that I had in this game. It seemed like my kind of game, sure, but I was utterly blown away by it still. I'm currently speechless, but the one thing I do know is that this game is something special.

I had this game due to my best friends hand me down GBA years and years ago. It was pretty much all I had for it besides a Scooby Doo game that was also terrible (cant remember which one either). Probably the worst game I can recall playing?

and they say this console had no killer app


the first time i tried to get into this soon after my computer bluescreened and was basically unusable since. when i got my new computer, i downloaded the game and played some multiplayer with my pals. it had a weird tendency to crash my entire computer. i think this is a sign from the universe to just not bother

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"You mean that whole "dark age of the law" nonsense? I'm so sick of hearing about that!"
- Athena Cykes, The Cosmic Turnabout, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Dual Destinies