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PELIPOIKA reviewed Elden Ring
what if DarkSoul BUT most of the level/encounter design was comparable to Lost Izalith..?? is openworld so is okay tho, i wonder what excitementS await in the next draugr tomb...

9 days ago

PELIPOIKA commented on letshugbro's review of Elden Ring
thanX for subverting my expectations on that potential metaphysical delvage into that bioelectric phenomena colloquially known as The Soul, my dear anti-capitalist enjoyer of FortNights and PokeyMans. drinking coffee black is not good for your teeth by the way, put milk in it. :)

9 days ago

PELIPOIKA commented on theia's list paper mario games ranked (objectively correct)
they indeed are games for babies my dear ironist

10 days ago

PELIPOIKA commented on mefisting's review of Jagged Alliance 2
sorry but most folx here are more interested in playing Mario Rabbids

10 days ago

PELIPOIKA reviewed Doom Eternal: The Ancient Gods - Part One
a POX upon whoever made the electric pillar room encounter in Horde Mode 2:trial of da dark lawd.... You did play it right, fellow DOOM™ fanatics.? surely, let me know in the commmentS Below, read all of them just like Gaben does with his emails I promise! wear my backloggdcowbell around my neck like all goodest boys who listen to the Crusader No Remorse/Regret OST while doing other things, like say playing DOOM Eternal, UH OH!!!!!!!!! nonpositive amirite or amirite my fellow consumers... but I confess, I love being forced into doing the needful with the microwavebeam, GhostBusting Makes Me Feel Good! TYVM Hugechungus Martin, cannot wait to purchas all the new DOOM Dork Age merchandise, new bionicle dragon looks so cool, Exciting Gameplay Imminent fellow DOOM fanatics!! but I doubt the Punch-Out portion will be as good as the one in Wonderful 101, a better wackycartoony toyetic "superhero" character action game than this, incidentally.......

10 days ago

PELIPOIKA reviewed The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
Maybeprobably ByPerchance the most aptly titled game of them all, given that one's emotional/neurological state while playing will very much be within a pure state of OBLIVION, at least when not engaging with the sole few golden nuggets within this big pile of clannfear poop (of which, other than spellmaker shenanigans, all can just be watched/listened thru youtube or read over @ UESP, believe it or not my fellow kids who ""grew up"" playing this on teh xbawks360). Not to mention the amount of genuine devastation wrought about upon all of gamerdom by this literal ARMORED Horseman of The Apocalypse (FUNNY PLAY ON WORDS AMIRITE??? I know rite). AnywaY, I love how people make fun of That One Game and its "wikipedia NPCs", that will tell you about the latest rumors or whatever specific topic YOU CHOOSE TO ASK ABOUT akin to a a good old computer roleplaying game featuring a "text parser" for all that QuestinG (ever played one besides Fallout 1 my dear wizard-to-be?). Meanwhile almost every monstrous looking NPC in this instantly upon introduction will bluntly & quickly spell out their name, profession/interests, likes/dislikes, quirks, while having nothing of note to say beyond that if they aren't tied to a "quest" (ByTheWay I suggest looking up the definition of that word for once my dear enthused compass marker chasing bloodhounds). Which to me partly helps explain why oh-so many folX are fond of this even nearly two decades later, it was after all clearly made for unfortunate souls who're on the bad end of The Spectrum and/or happen to operate on cognitive autopilot even well into "adulthood", or kids, as Ken Rolston would've more kindly put it. His words, not mine, that's the target audience Todd Howard was going after like the money-minded malignant little midget that he is, and that nice old man was too nice to say NO despite him being the game director and more importantly an actual enthusiast/CREATOR of "RolePlayingGames", unlike a certain narcissistic psychopath the height of a wood elf who couldn't cut it in sports back in high school hence why he opted to cope through SPORTS GAMES (which incidentally were being made right in his home neighborhood). What can I say my fellow Oblivion fanatics, Am In The Know!

Oh Yes, I love eXploAring endless empty green meadows filled with so many riveting compass markers to autopilot towards and level scaled enemies to avoid, and not to mention nirnrootS to collect, MhM. Nevermind how most of the procgenned landscape has less unique stuff to find, or simply things going on, than the mere immediate surroundings of Seyda Neen (let alone the rest of the Bitter Coast) from that one prior game in the Oblivion series. Why is every fort within the so-called heartland of The Empire a mossy ruin infested by monsters/mooks? Why does the "mighty" Imperial City contain less hustle&bustle than most parts of Vvardenfell, a literal barren backwater land that's only recently undergone colonization? Why is there about as much provincial politicking and racial strife going on in Leyawiin as your average RichardScarry story, care to tell my fellow gAmers who most definitely read A Dance In Fire or Mixed Unit Tactics? DunnO, probably the same reason why there are still books within the game containing 'cyrodiilic LoRE' completely contradictory with the so-called lively setting, which I am sure You and your fellow enthusiasts of fantasy genre fiction (like Harry Potter and Shrek) read with gusto before moving on to "adventurously" fast travel towards the next compass marker, much like em Mythic Dawn Commentaries (ever actually read those my dear Oblivion fan, or were you glad that the "quest" involving said gloriously schizophrenic texts didn't require that ardous task?).

Most people's highlight in this is of course The DERP Bruddahood, and its cast of imbecilic cartoons whose sole purpose as "characters" is to make you feel bayud when they get killed off by You in le epic twist for the sake of a twist. Admittedly it stands out because instead of the compass marker leading into another riveting cave, ayleid ruin or AKATOSH FORBID an oblivion gate, you're instead getting to partake in baby's first stealth game with WackY hijinx, at least for the first half, then suddenly it becomes drier than the officially sanctioned 'Forester's Guild' from that one game, but let's overlook that and laud it to no end so that its designer can go on to become a creative lead for future Oblivion games. Emil Pagliarulo's ethos of keeping it simple for Stupids (like him, Todd, and You) and "writing what he knows" shines right through with how the secret bigbad antagonist trying to take down da brotherhood is ultimately motivated by mommy issues, And I'll Leave It At That, because I have an important question for You.! I'm looking for my father. Middle-aged guy. Maybe you've seen him, my dear fan of Oblivion with Guns?

Why did I squeeze out this giant turd objectiv review.? .? Because I played this for a grand total of 5 hours recently (MORE THAN ENOUGH!!), had to refresh my memory, have had ElderSCRoll on the brain recently for no real reason so I HadTo go play one ALSO had been playing too much GoodGame, yes, it is True, a Collector's Edition of a game that's a lot better than Two Worlds: Epic Edition (a game that's better than this), believ it or not!.! yep, am fully leveld up, bring on all the daedric armament wearing midwits & lovers of BearSex Gape 3 with 9999999 integer overflow levelscaled HP, they are no match, Am Ready To Take Em On, I have apotheosis equippd, and NuclearBlast in my spellbook like a true dungeoneering lord of WizardRy capable of making use of the ingame CheatEngine (wonder why they cut it in Oblivion 2...).

PostScriptum: The avg Backlåggd denizen lives in this place, canonical DeepLore
PPS: I willnotwont review Oblivion2: Skryim sorry, atLeast not until Iam eager to go meet my ancestors, too much of a contrarian/conundrum able to relatively enjoy it with modZ, will upsettingS many peoples and get downvoted into oblivion (LOL!) or perhaps even Beheaded by the polish inquisition of CDProjektReddit fans who think the Batman Arkham AssassinsCreed of Kings game from the same year was better ..sorry but I HAVE TO GO!!!! IMPERIAL CITY CALLS FOR AID!!!!!! MARTIN & ME WILL ANSWER...

11 days ago

PELIPOIKA abandoned Far Cry
ConfessionS my fellow tumblr users!! took briefbreak from Doing ThangZ to play season appropriate "SunnyGoodGame" (not mario sunshine im afraid dAhling, already got enough cleaning and coincollection busywork to do in life). Is as good as I rememberD, even with fixes veers towards being as "polished&entertaining" as 'Julma Jengi' (turns out I prefer Jumanji). . where are those cultured tacticool shooter connoisseurs who were saying this GPU benchmarker was better than certain stupidbad FramesPerSecond techdemos from the same timeperiod Now, I wonder, hawaii maybeperhaps??? a far cry from where i am now, still to this day spending SeriousBusiness TarzanGorillaWarfare leisuretime on teh interwebz, LotsOfLaughter but zero golden validation tickets or sporefansitekarmapoints to my name (PLZ DONT RATE MY POST 'DUMB', BANANA ENTHUSIASTS AND FACEPUNCHFORUM MODERATORS , AM UTTERLYPOSITIFIC AND AGREEABLE NOT BLOCKED AND REPORTED, WILL STAYQUIET WONT SPEAK OF INTOLERABLY ILL EVENTS IN STRANGLETHORN VALE, DONT HOSE ME AGAIN...) Yep,I neverforget.... War Is Hell. 😿
Featuring Havoc and the tiberium mutants/cyborgs from the Command & Conquer series.

11 days ago

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