The moment the first fucking demon you encounter in the game beat me to death I knew I´d started something truly special.
Was going to give it 4.5 stars but I took .5 away because fuck the last dungeon man

It´s not UNDER NIGHT IN-BIRTH Exe:Late[cl-r] but it´s quite good

Game has a lot of charm but has very serious pacing issues, supposedly last about 20 something hours and it does not justify half of it, a more focus and compact story and this would have honestly been one of my favorites games ever, but by the time I arrived at unrelated story bit # 4 after getting only a small crumb of the main plot it gets very very tiring

A future is not something given, is something we have to take for ourselves

Provoca daño cerebral irreparable

game is janky af but the music makes it all worth it

tells you where to go out of 10, not a real metroidvania but makes an excellent attempt at it

1200+ hours in this game over the course of 7-8 years and the only thing i can say about it is how much i hate it