I can’t remember the last time my opinion of a game went from “wow this might just be their best work yet!” to “Jesus, they really messed it all up…!”
This game has a really good framework and everything feels like it should, it’s just that the constant revisiting of earlier levels with literally no shakeups except you can now search just one more nook and cranny really sucks. This game approaches MMO levels of tedium at points, which is one of the worst things I can say about a game

Probably my favorite of the non-Sekiro souls-likes, and this is off of a first playthrough. Absolutely insane visual design in environments and enemies, and while it is similar to Dark Souls in combat choices, it also takes a lot of fluff out, which I personally enjoy. Seriously if this game was playable at 60fps consistently it would be a 5 no doubt, so the ball's in your court, From...

I feel like you either prefer this or Demon's Souls based on your preference for subjective design choices, and I just like Dark Souls a little more for a lot of reasons

Really enjoyed the first three areas, but 4 and 5 are absolutely wild. Not much to say, if you already played this game, you know what I mean...

Still one of the best games of all time. I absolutely love this game and if you're playing on an XBox or PC, you owe it to yourself to play this beauty

One of the best games ever made. My favorite game of all time. I don't think this will sell you on Tetris if you're heavily against it, but if you already like Tetris, puzzle games, or just nice aesthetically crafted gaming experiences, then this will win your heart effortlessly. Multiplayer is really fun too, just be prepared to realize you're not as good as Tetris as some of the online killers (like me)

For the most part, this game is great, but is easily carried by basically everything about it's characters. The dialogue, performances and animation are all pretty insane from an indie developer in 2005, and it's just a joy to see them move and talk.
However, I think the gameplay isn't exactly a strong suit here, with the entire game taking a nosedive in quality around the second half. I've seen countless discussions about this game over the years and never saw anyone mention the Theater, Matador or Napoleon levels, and I think I have a good idea why. It definitely feels like this was an adventure game first and a platformer second.
Raz is definitely a really cool protagonist though, and I can't wait to get to his next adventure, and see if Double Fine managed to improve on their gameplay chops in the 16 years it's been

I should note, I did play the modern Steam version so I basically had no issue with the Meat Circus like a lot of other people might have

Greatly presented, free online poker. All the character models look like they belong in a Telltale game in a good way, and the sound design and overall art-style has a real consistency that can't be understated. My biggest issues is that it doesn't have 8+ man tables (only limited to 6(EDIT: THEY ADDED 8+ MAN TABLES!!!)) but other than that it's really solid experience only rivaled by Pokerstars VR

I got a bad ending and was debating giving this a 4. Upon seeing the other endings and liking them a LOT more, it had to be bumped up. Regardless of the issues everyone else has been having, I got the good fortune of very little issues myself (besides my PC showing it's age and constantly playing at a near-unplayable framerate), and found a sublime time-killer in the vein of so many others that ruined my productivity in the past. I loved how focused I could make my build, and I didn't feel slighted by not being able to max out everything. Instead, I'm excited to return with a more roleplay-oriented approach in mind on future playthroughs. I accidentally wound up being an ultra-powerful tech wizard (because my brother said it was fun (and it was)), but the amount of styles I'm fantasizing for the future have got me excited. Melee only berserker, silent assassin, or tacticool shotgunner with a love for non-lethal grenades. The story roleplaying is admittedly a little weak, but the ability to create your own character for combat is done very well. There were so many gameplay options that I was locked out of or just didn't even touch that have got me very interested!
I don't think this game was ever supposed to be the GTA killer, I think it was moreso meant to be modern-Fallout with better gameplay in a GTA-style city. That's what I had surmised and anticipated, and it capitalized on all the fronts I was hoping for besides stability. Good game!

It's very well made and cool to experience the Halo universe from a new perspective, but it's ultimately underwhelming in terms of story and stakes compared to prior entires. Reach does what this tried to do a whole lot better

This game often gets knocked for it's D-Pad only control scheme limiting it's movement to only 8 directions and other annoyances attached to the DS's limited buttons and design. And while those are detriments, it also comes with the fact that it's a fully playable 3D platformer as a launch title for a handheld, when 3D on the GBA was such a mess overall. This game is downright impressive when you consider what it accomplishes graphically, and still being beatable with the limited controls. The biggest issue I'd take with this game is how it underpowers Mario by taking away some of his hat powers for Wario and Luigi to use, as well as making Wario and Luigi overall less fun to play. The swimming and flying also control exceptionally below par, as I think they're just designed poorly, and not limited by the controls. Overall, this is a real fun remixing of an already great game, and the added minigame room is good for a couple of hours of low effort, touch-screen time wasting. I just pray I'll never have to swim as slow-ass Wario again

For a game about being on vacation, getting all the stars sure feels like work!

When this game was coming out, the pre-release trailers and details had me convinced that this was gonna be one of From's big stumbles. I am so happy I was wrong. I'll never forget almost abandoning the game because I kept getting filtered by the first ogre while all my friends were speeding through the game. The best game of 2019 easy

I watched a Dunkey video (where he literally didn't progress past the first hour) and base all my assumptions off of that because I am a brainless dumbass

Though it may not have the scenario editor that RollerCoaster Tycoon 2 does, I believe the overall design of the scenarios themselves makes this game much more palletable for actually trying to take on the challenges. The restrictions provided in this game wind up making it a superior experience, which is weird!