Tinykin has very quickly become my favourite game I've played this year so far.

If you enjoy 3D platformers, this is one of the most polished, enjoyable and fun collectathons I've ever played and it feels like something that could be published by Nintendo with the high level of creativity and polish here. Very unique for a 3D platformer is the Pikmin-style elements, which complement the superb level design and collectables.

It took me 10 hours to 100% and I loved every second, I didn't want it to end. Thank you so much, devs, for such a fun and beautiful experience <3

Really good early access title with a lot of content. Bosses are all unique with their own move sets and mechanics, and the gameplay loop feels really good.

I really enjoyed my time with this, it was quite short but the perfect length in my opinion, although the gameplay wasn't very deep. Nice relaxing game.

Amazing variation on the Tetris formula, I'll be very sad when this eventually goes offline :(

Probably my favourite version of one of the best and most addictive games ever created. Visuals, music and sound effects combine to creative a truly memorable, infinitely replayable experience. I'll be playing this for a long time.

One of the best FPS games of all time. Fast and fluid combat, amazing soundtrack and unique level design. Everyone that enjoys FPS games should play this game.

Gameplay is magnificent - parkour/FPS mechanics are so much fun, and going for those ace medals is extremely satisfying without being super tight on time. Dialogue is a bit cringe-worthy though.

Stunning pixel art and well designed (and occasionally punishingly difficult) metroidvania. It was made easier in a recent patch but it stands out as a beautiful and satisfying addition to the genre.

Really fun bullet-hell adventure game, many games of this genre tend to have rogue elements so nice to see it take a different approach with beautiful sprite-work. Very fun to get all achievements.

Smooth movement, cute art, creative combat and a decent challenge on hard mode make for a truly engrossing roguelite that I couldn't stop playing until I'd finished it.

Classic castlevania with souls-like mechanics and bosses, really cool game. Huge difficulty spike for the final 2 bosses though. Map design was excellent throughout.

Quite possibly the best 3D collectathon of recent years that isn't made by Nintendo. Humour is impeccable, and many different genres are blended into one.


Animation and environments are the stand-out features here, they're truly excellent. Gameplay gets a little tedious even in the short run-time, but still an enjoyable time nonetheless.

The first and best of Supermassive's story-driven horror games. Essential if you like horror and own a playstation.