This game perfectly demonstrates that my reflexes are not what they used to be! If you have a quick trigger finger to nail the fast paced precision jumping and dimension switching then you may well have a good time with this one. I made it about half way through before I was forced to grudgingly accept I was no longer able to make progress, definite skill issue on my part.
I did enjoy that the game got you straight back into the action after a loss, no waiting around!

I couldn't get into DKC3 the same way I could with the two previous DKC games. Felt it lacked the charm of the earlier titles, no doubt it looks the part and plays fine but something was missing for me. Also not sure if this game was bloody difficult or if I just sucked at it but some of the levels here are really fucking tedious (looking at you Lightning Lookout & Poisonous Pipeline). Glad I played through and beat it but I won't be back.

Great little pick up and play title that was the perfect fit for the Gameboy! Probably gains a star for pure nostalgia value. Latter stages really stradle the line between tricky and tedious but overall it remains fun little trip down memory lane

If you're looking to dip your toe back into FO4 after some time away then Nuka World will scratch that itch. Exploring the park is cool but the quests left me a bit flat. Overall its fine but it won't change whatever esteem you hold FO4 in.

Story is on point. Setting, voice acting and gameplay are all excellent. Encountered a few minor glitches with textures not loading in etc but nothing that spoilt my enjoyment of the game. But, after all the dust has settled I think I preferred Asylum just that little bit more. Strange! (Get it, like Hu.. you know what never mind!).

I can't help but feel in 2024 Super Mario Land is probably best viewed as a bit of a curiosity rather than a quality Mario title. For those of us who were there the first time around though the nostalgia alone warrants another visit to Super Mario Land.

Pure Mario vibes. Wonder is absolutely fantastic. Singing Piranha plants are worth the price of admission alone. The addition of the wonder seeds really freshened up the formula. Buy it. Play it.

Apparently this game really comes to life in Co-Op... unfortunately I played single player. Its not terrible, but it is a big step down from Resident Evil 4. The whole AI partner gimmick hinders more than it helps. I won't be going out of my way to ever pick this up again.

Symphony Of The Night's reputation as an all timer is absolutely deserved. Playing this for the first time in 2024 was an incredible experience and although some of the modern gaming comforts we have become accustomed too may be missing SotN still stands tall and I was more than willing to forgive these minor frustrations.

The best time to play SotN was in 1997, the second best time is now.

As an aside, why on earth is this not on Switch. Seriously Konami, WTF.

Minish Cap embodies all the qualities that make 2D Zelda adventures so endearing. While it doesn't quite reach the same heights as LttP or Link's Awakening it is still a fantastic game in its own right and more than worthy of your time.
Fun, interesting Dungeons (not you Palace of Winds, the other ones!), familiar gameplay and plenty of old fashioned Zelda adventuring. They didn't stray to far from the formula with Minish Cap and that is by no means a bad thing. Give it a go. You'll probably like it.

It's FIFA. The same as the one before and the same as the one after. Forever. After 200+ hours it's time to move on.

This game is just a joyful experience. I'll be humming the theme for months to come! Simple to pick up, difficult to master. Just a gem of a game and well worth a few hours of anyone's time.

I have, for the most part, enjoyed my time with Hogwarts Legacy. Portkey Games absolutely nailed the castle setting and exploring Hogwarts was a cool experience. The open world outside of the castle didn't quite reach the same heights but there is a lot of fun to be had digging around Hogsmeade and some of the smaller hamlets.
The spell combat was surprisingly satisfying, especially once you have unlocked the full suite of spells and can unleash some cool combos.
For me the game drags a little at the back end, especially if you are looking for platinum trophy / full achievements. I am not a trophy hunter or completionist so it's rare that I decide to push for the plat, I did it for HL but having to restart and replay the first 2/3 hours to get all the trophies really put dampner on my final hours with the game.
Overall there is plenty here to recommend if you are a HP fan. Although there are not many (any!) new ideas or advancements here IMO it is a fairly solid open world experience. It won't change your life but definitely worth a go if open worlds are your thing.

My first interaction with a game bearing the Silent Hill name and safe to say not what i expected from the series reputation. There is not much here to recommend sadly. The game felt intent on making a commentary on social media but the writing lacks the quality and subelty to really nail it IMO. 3rd act stands above the others but in truth that's a fairly low bar. Cool character design and some of the settings were engaging. Other than that you won't be missing much here, which is a shame.

The spirit of N64 wrestling classics is alive in AEW: Fight Forever... just never fully realised. Personally I felt like there was a lack of match types to keep me coming back (no steel cage match feels like a glaring omission) and the Road To Elite story mode didn't quite satisfy.
There is a fantastic basis here to build on though, the matches are good fun and capture that N64 vibe. A decent first iteration but there is so much more that can be done here, will be watching for the next installment with interest.