Maybe it helped that the "outrage" around this game was so prevalent but i LOVED It.

The gameplay is LEAGUES above the first one, it's difficult, its visceral, weapons and movement have WEIGHT. The stealth is engaging, this game has some of if not THE BEST enemy AI i've ever encountered.

People complain about the characters, the story choices, a lot of thee writing, but i didn't feel ANY of that. I love Dina, Jesse, I fucking loved Abby, I loved a LOT of this game. Thematically it is DEEP. Seriously all i can think is.........the criticism is so bizarre to me. Makes very little sense. Game is fun , moving and intense. Highly recommend.

This game got me into Batman. This game is the reason i had 3 different batman posters in my bedroom as a young'n.

Fucking good shit

I was eaten alive by this game.

Smashed 60 hours out in one week and i regret fucking

Fucking AMAZING characters, by far the high point of this game. Beautiful cowboy epic tale, Personally loved the game play of it, not a whole lot of complaints about this boah.

Played city AND knight before i got to play this one.

Good game but.....didn't age well.

This game makes me wish for a nuclear winter.

Without a doubt one of my favourite games of all time. It's so dripping with character that you have to put down a towel.

I have a TATTOO of this game.

Big iron.


Agressive industrial metal plays loudly in the foreground

Hard for me to describe how i feel about this game. Something about it just GOT me. It's extremely well polished, funny, BEAUTIFUL, smooth, great super hero story. Probably helps that I'm already a bit of a simp for spidey.

Restarted my 4th playthrough of this fucker not two days ago. Love it.

What can I say about this game that hasn't already been said. Shit SLAPS. I would call it a perfect game if it had a little more replayability, but like.....the first playthrough of this game is perfect.

Final boss kinda shitty tho

Man............Naughty Dog don't have a great track record with engaging gameplay. 3rd person story based cover shooter has never been this bland.

Story is incredible though

Big fan of the series, it may be lacking the atmosphere of one and two, but it shines as its own game, if you consider it as a standalone it's sensational. If you consider it a bioshock, it's still pretty fucking good.

Big fan of the gta series, this is obviously an objectivley well pu together game as all R* games are, but it lacks a lot of the heart of the previous games that i love so much. Far from amazing im my eyes, hard to call it a shit game though.

What can i honestly say. Classic puzzle game. Short as it needs to be, clever as all fuck