Good movement, good level design, good game all around. It won't blow you away, but you'll have a good time.

I enjoyed this game significantly more than I expected to, being a long-time Pikmin fan. It has enjoyable ambiance, level design, and gameplay, with thoughtful references to older entries in the series. It is nothing incredible, but a pleasant romp regardless.

Being a lefty is a pretty raw deal when it comes to this game. The music, gameplay, characters, etc are all fantastic, I just wish I could comfortably enjoy it through a traditional controller.

I personally prefer slouching comfortably on the couch with the GameCube controller to play this game, but these motion controls are undeniably excellent. They're so good, you're almost OP with the extra aiming speed and distance you now have access to. It is a wonderful and valid option for anyone wanting to play Pikmin 2.

This game's structure really hurts the overall experience; it is almost entirely devoid of competitive or action-focused gameplay, being all based around puzzles that lack any replay value. These issues only become more apparent when the game asks you to replay levels over and over for materials; it is the inferior to four swords adventure.

I love the movement (besides motion controls), I love the creative world and enemy designs, I love the music... This game has plenty going for it. The issue is that the game's over-inflation with basic and repetitive moons is insane, the excitement of collecting moons wears off during the latter parts of the game, and it begins to feel like a miserable grind. If this game was only the 200 best moons, it'd probably be an easy 4.5 or 5 star game.

They made Ocarina of Time even better? Play this on PC through Citra for the best experience, it is a wonderful classic to this day.

This game has an excellent self-contained plot, plenty of fun and memorable moments, fantastic music, and a cast of unforgettable characters. The later cases tend to drag on in the investigation phase, but besides that it is the gold standard of what a Phoenix Wright game should be.

This game has a lot of content, a (relatively) bugless experience, and a great story mode to play multiplayer. The best and most well-rounded Little Big Planet game to date, and you'll never regret putting this into the PS3 with friends around.

The movement is far too restrictive for my liking, the multiplayer feels poorly thought out, and the game can feel extraordinarily bland at times. However, it does have a wealth of content and solid gameplay; just nothing more than what you'd expect of a 3D Mario title.

Majora's Mask is amazing, this remake is sadly not representative of how good a game it really is. Check out the MM3D Restoration patch for either emulator or a homebrewed 3DS for the absolute best MM experience. With that patch, it is an easy 4.5 or 5 stars.

It's Wii Sports in HD with improved gyro controls. If you like Wii Sports, you'll love this.

This game has the weakest writing in the series, a constricting linear path forced on you until the end of the game, and some additional problematic design elements that weren't present in prior Pikmin games. However, the side modes are unparalleled; I've found countless hours of fun in the ingenious bingo battle mode, and the challenge mode is surprisingly addictive.

This game is certainly not perfect; missions could have been more open-ended, the honor system occasionally feels superfluous, many of the challenges for 100% are repetitive and arbitrary. But when this game is at its best, and all of the elements from the narrative and gameplay come together, it creates an unforgettable experience. It's a flawed game, but I dearly love it.