December, 2022

October, 2022






September, 2022



What a bizarre game this is. One thing I have been thinking about while playing is the way race is depicted here. It's set in 1899, in the American west. South-west, maybe? I'm not great on those sort of sub-region distinctions. There is a pretty generous depiction on the part of Dutch's gang, and really the world generally, in terms of not being too racist.

Just now, I played a mission where race was directly talked about. A Black member of the gang came back into camp, saying that he had almost been lynched. I guess, he and another member, Micah, had been out and about in another town and Micah's actions attracted some attention. The people of the other town had arrested Micah and almost lynched the Black guy, but he got away. Interesting to bring up lynchings, sure, but a strange overall context.

The goal of that mission was to "take him to a bar to get drunk and forget about it," which ok sure. Afterwards, he gets arrested--hopefully not lynched, although it is left unclear; your character is seemingly unconcerned as you get away--and you wake up the next morning, in the middle of nowhere, hungover and without a horse.

Being stranded without a horse in this game sucks. Running is slow and unsafe. You can steal a horse, but that's fucked up: you lose honor and, again, being without one would suck for whoever you steal it from. There's no fast travel I'm aware of. Having to walk all the way back to town would blow: though something like that can be cool sometimes, in a game.

Luckily, there was a mission start point nearby. And midway though, my horse just showed up out of nowhere. God bless shitty game design. Maybe the walk back would have sucked, but actions having consequences is cool? I could have scrambled and stole a horse during the mission. The horse seemingly teleporting to me was convenient but just kind of makes everything else about the game seem pointless, why bother with cowboys and horses if the implications of em are ignored?













July, 2022





June, 2022

May, 2022



I played this a bit when I was younger and save data would suggest I played it again as recently as 2017. My somewhat hazy memories portray this game as a charming and well crafted adventure, though I know I hadn't played much. Upon playing the first two missions today, its a little more uh, stiff, than I thought. I feel like I've seen the spin dance 3000 times already, and I expect to see it more. Very generously paced text though, and the game has what could be a pretty convincing and charming consistent aesthetic.




Played like 20 minutes of this bitch. Cool aesthetic but goddamn man I already played Papers, Please! Wonder if this will get its own kind of vibe eventually. Might keep playing, might not




Made a little bit of progress here. I had thoughts about this yesterday but forgot to really record them here. Hmmm. A conondrum. The game doesn't waste your time, which is to be greatly admired. More tomorrow.




this game fucking sucks lmfao








April, 2022

March, 2022










February, 2022

January, 2022



another SWERY game, another few hours of tension between charming and obnoxious jank. as compared to Deadly Prem, this game's lack of a Twin Peaks aesthetic makes it a lot easier to digest. played up to the beginning of Prologue pt 2. putting aside the questionable choice of breaking up the prologue into parts, I quite enjoyed the history lesson re: british history and breeds of dogs.
