Very disappointing from the people who made fucking New Vegas. Go fuck yourselves Obsidian.

Ugh, more pixelart GARBAGE! Where's the real?!?!

If you cry you're a PUSSY HAHAHAHAHAHA

Good rougelike, but why do I keep dying? What the fuck?

Sucks the hairs off my nuts like a vacuum, space, etc.

Great remaster. Pretty much improves everything from the N64.

Awesome platformer if you're a pedophile.


The puzzles are too hard and what the fuck is this?! The 1920's?! Where's the FUCKING COLOR?!

I wish the mega mushroom could be used on my willie (Weiner)!

Todd, you've done it again! I LOVE FALLOUT!

Everything is does it does perfectly, but for the love of god PLAY RESORT YOU DUMBASS!

Honestly, kind of overrated. Plus the graphics SUCK, What the fuck?!

Big improvement over Asylum. Mark Hamil ROCKS!!!!

Too much blood! And clowns etc.!

A good mix of Metroid and Dark souls. Probably the best modern star wars game we have. I want to fuck the nightsister.