i played this a lot as a kid so nostalgia is probably clouding my judgment here, but this would be a 5 star game if it wasn't for that romote control boomerang bit at the end, the tunnels just keep going and you have no idea how close you are each time you blow up

This game felt like it was literally made for me. I loved everything about it. It's an action RPG where the plot / setting is you're on a ship with a group of people, the ship gets attacked, the passengers all get scattered around this island and the entire game is set on this little island, but the island is basically skull island from King Kong, in that it's full of dinosaurs (or primordials in game) in a world where they've long been extinct. Anyway, this really does feel like they reached into my brain pulled out all my thoughts and then made a game specifically for me. I really cannot praise this enough.

This game is worth playing through just to see how absolutely frustrating it is. When you take damage you lose body parts, and you have to walk over your parts to connect them back to you, so this basically means you spend most of the time collecting your parts back up (if you lose enough you end up just a head rolling around, and you have a time limit before death) I'm not explaining it super well but it's such a frustrating game

Loved this. The only real issues I had were that you can't skip certain events, so when you go back to the town you're stuck mashing the a button to get through the dialogue pop ups telling you every individual scroll you found since you've last been to town, as if you somehow didn't know you found them. And the other issue is that occasionally you'll have to wiggle the stick about to escape an enemy or knock down a file cabinet, and the developers very well know that the switch is prone to stick drift, and yet they chose to use that anyway. My sticks are fine, but I always worry so I try to use them as little and as carefully as possible, especially since my Switch is a lite. I do hope they continue on with more 3D Kirby games, but I also don't want them to stop making 2D ones.

I didn't really like Gears of War 5, I hated those empty open area skif parts, they were entirely pointless and sucked the life out of the game. This DLC has none of those and is way better than the main game.

This was a cute little n64 throwback. If you don't have any nostalgia for N64 graphics, you probably won't get much out of this. My only real issue was that once you finish a level, it sends you back to the level select screen, which is a book, but it sends you to the first page so you have to scroll back through all the level pages you've done to get to the next one. Also the camera can get stuck on things, especially in the haunted mansion level, but to be fair that's part of the n64 nostalgia.

Played on PS4 as part of Capcom Arcade Stadium. Pretty fun beat 'em up with nice level variety. I especially liked the Museum level. Also playing as a baby in a mech suit is pretty great.

I've lost hearing in my right ear (hopefully temporarily) and I couldn't get a doctors apointment until June 13th (a month from when I wrote this) so I'm currently playing shorter games where sound doesn't really matter so much (in a sense that there's no real plot or voiced dialogue)

This is a pretty simple precision platformer with unlimited lives, but it never gets as difficult as other games of this type (I still died a fair amount towards the end, but it wasn't in a "I want to throw my controller out the window" kind of way) It's also suprisingly funny.

I feel like with games like this, people will just automatically ignore it since it's cheap and was originally a mobile game, but mobile games aren't inherently bad once ported to systems with actual buttons instead of touch screen controls.

It's pretty short too, depending on how bad you are at platformers, but it goes on sale for less than £2 all the time.

I enjoyed the gameplay in this, but the characters just wouldn't shut up. I got fed up of the plot like 2 hours in, so had to keep mashing the x button to skip through dialogue.

Why do developers of games like this insist on putting in helicopter missions? They are never fun, helipcopters always control and aim horribly. It's like they watch action movies and see cool helicopter scenes and then think "hey lets put this in our game" and then never actually play it to realize how awful it is. Other than that little rant I enjoyed this for the most part. Having to do a bunch of side content to get enough respect to play missions does suck though, but I did that all at the start so it didn't kill the pacing.

this could have been great if they hadn't nintendo'd it up. It's like they sit around thinking, "wow this game we made is great, but it could do with some garbage gimmick !!" The bowser temper tantrum stuff was annoying but at least u could just kill urself to get rid of him, but later in the gam he doesn't stop until you get the rest of the 50 stars u need. so annoying.

The open area skiff parts were truly awful

Installing this is really unpleasent. You put the disc in, it downloads 69gb update. Then you load the game up and you have to download multiple files within the game for the campaign. Then it turns out you need to download the multiplayer for the menu to even show up, otherwise it just shows warzone and Modern Warfare II. After all that, the custscenes are broken on Xbox One and stutter. Other than all that, it is still pretty good (to be fair, I've played all the campaigns from COD2 to this, other than WWII and I've enjoyed all of them).

Hero mode only, I don't play multiplayer games these days, and even if I did I wouldn't touch Splatoon's multiplayer due to it's map rotation system. I'd enjoy this more if they didn't insist on forcing you to use awful weapons for half the levels. I assume the reason they force you to use certain weapons for certain levels is that they want the campaign to be somewhat of a turorial for the multiplayer, but I wish they'd just let hero mode be it's own thing. I also really don't like the hub areas. I usually love hub worlds, but in this they're annoying to navigate to find the levels and you end up spending more time doing that than playing the actual levels. There's a great game in here, they just need to stop nintendo-ing it up and insisting I play it the exact way they want me to (forced bad weapons) I will say the last boss was less frustrating than in the first game, primarily because it was just a boss, whereas in the first game the boss was part of a level where you had to go through each section before fighting each boss stage (I think, it's been a while since I played it)

This game only has 4 worlds and most of them just kinda suck. There's clearly a lot of love put into this and the characters are cute but after Mafia Town the quality just falls of a cliff. It does control well, but the camera can be an absolute nightmare, and I'm someone that rarely has an issue with 3D platformer cameras.