FromSoft Tier List

Unfinished. Subject to change.

The best. One of my favorite games of all time and the title that got me to finally appreciate FromSoft's game design. While many may downplay its world, characters, gameplay, and bosses, I find this title to have the most incredible in all aspects. Bosses especially in this game are wonderfully challenging and some of the best in any game I have ever played.
The atmospheric goat. No matter how many developers try to match the style and substance of Bloodborne, they never truly get it right. The game has a rich art direction that sets it apart from every other title in the Souls series, with gameplay just as unique and fun. It should be telling that not a day goes by where a Souls fan DOESN'T think about this game.
The one off. When FromSoft made Sekiro, they had come off the heels of Bloodborne and Dark Souls III, two of the best games they had ever made. Sekiro however, is boldly different from them and stands on its own as a unique game style more closely resembling a more character action like game rather than a Souls type. The core gameplay is extremely tight and fun, and the world is fantastic. My only criticism really boils down to a somewhat lacking story and bosses that can genuinely kiss my ass.
The Immaculate Supergame. While I don't agree with the average opinion that this game is the best thing since sliced bread, I do appreciate a lot what it managed to do. And parts of the game have remain unmatched to this day in aspects of world-design, characters, and atmosphere. Though ultimately I find the core gameplay mechanics to feel far too rigid making it hard to enjoy nearly as much.
The weird one. While I find Dark Souls II hard to recommend to newcomers, I believe that it is a welcome part of the family to Souls veterans. The gameplay more closely resembles Dark Souls III than it does I and while some terrible obfuscation exists in some icky parts of the experience, I still enjoyed it for what it was.
The different one. While ACVI is obviously very fundamentally different from the rest it actually holds enough similarities to be considered among them. Especially when you consider just how much modern From design is in this game, especially bosses. The game is incredibly fun and some of the best feeling controls in a game I have played but the annoying to painful Elden Ring design that seeped in somewhat ruins the experience.
The magical experience. A game that's highs are so high they may never be topped by FromSoft ever again. And lows so damn low that I don't even know if I am excited for what future Souls-esque titles they make. The first playthrough is perhaps one of the greatest experiences you can have in a video game. And every time you try to play after is like shoving needles into my eyes for how "fun" it is.
The original. While it can feel very forgettable at times, Demon's Souls held the remarkable accomplishment of setting up the series proper while still being a unique and engaging game on its own. It holds up remarkably well for a PS3 launch title though the initial jank that comes from being the first in the series can cause some issues in enjoyment.


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