An extremely original, if not at times a little convoluted, story about the time we have left and what we do when it runs out, all told while playing through the myriad of sometimes entertaining puzzles the game has to offer. The gameplay loop leaves some to be desired, as once you get the hang of things in about Chapter 5 or 6, it'll be pretty much the same thing all the way through. Figure out what has to happen in the puzzle (some combination of pressing buttons, jumping from cliff faces, walking across bridges), do the puzzle backwards, and then reverse time on all of the test elements. Rinse and repeat. Not the worst way to spend a Saturday though.

Few times in my gaming history have I had such a big smile on my face as I have when I play these boss battles. Rhythm games at their finest.

Heard the Free Bird solo getting quickly louder, accompanied by footsteps so loud the building shook.

Best Mario game. Argue with the wall.

Literally endless. There's no way to truly complete it, in the most satisfying way possible. Also, "Try not to cry listening to the minecraft soundtrack, impossible edition"

No mind to think, no cost too great.


-.5 star because you can't actually romance Artemis.

I'm the President of the "Shadowheart Did Nothing Wrong" club.

They mean it. Play it, and play it blind.
Just be ready for the most open-ended "detective" gave you've ever played. I'd hesitate to call it that. It's in a league of its own.

400 hours as a support main will teach you a thing or two about life.

A stellar place for the Daniel Mullins universe to begin. A simple but compelling game about games, humanity, and the devil himself.

I've got a gnorbillion bucks now.

I don't love shooters, but hot DAMN. The wonder that is Control and its world, gameplay, and narrative are incredible all on their own, let alone in one mishmash of ugly-beautiful art.

This game made me the person I am today.